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Last month's kinda-sorta commissioned illo pitting hapless SF heroines Rose & Lily against the Sean Connery iteration of James Bond proved shockingly difficult to work up, as you can see from these developmental sketch sets of Rose vs. a largely unseen Bond:

The image at upper left represents an indirect bit of Life Drawing from photoreference, as I was basing the shading off of an iPad photo of a wee Japanese "Body-chan" manikin that was surprisingly useful:

The manikin's thighs are frankly too skinny for Rose or Lily, but dang if that shading from a cheap little figure is not too shabby, especially with some rather complex toning around the figure's mid-thigh at right. (Note that you can see a glimpse of the next sketch set at left in the photo above.)

As I recounted in that earlier post last month, I had such difficulty with the main Bond figure in the commission that I sent away for a pair of the previously mentioned wee manikins to aid in reference. Note that the first sketch above was based on a photo using both the figurines:

Despite a fair bit o' fisheye-lens distortion in the photo and the limitations of the figurines' limbs, the interaction between 'em proved quite useful, as that's not a pose combo I would've developed off the top of my head.

A few more miscellaneous poses, at least partially based off the manikins:

And a work-in-progress incomplete sketch set, with the first Rose drawing based loosely off photoref of a flesh-and-blood model:

Overall, some decent damsel poses in these sketch sets, which I should be able to reuse for, say, The Chaste and The Chained down the road. And now, back to work on page roughs from that very project, which also feature plenty of DiD imagery!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea at present as to exactly what's coming up in the next M/W/F slot, folks. Let's find out together, shall we?




Very useful, those little models.


Some lovely models and a great set of expressions to match them in the sketches. :D


Those mannequins are very limber !!


Those maquettes are a great Idea. I might have to get some.


I recommend 'em, as they're dirt-cheap and surprisingly handy! They're even not too bad for shading ref, as the photos kinda-sorta show.