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As I've posted here previously (but don't care enough to track down said posts), on occasion throughout the late 90s and early 2000s I had the odd tendency of knocking out Rose & Lily DiD sketch sets on the backs of photocopies of penciled original pages from Gen13; some of 'em were random pieces done for a kind (small-P) patron who appreciated the loosely sketched stuff, but most were just trying to work up viable damsel-y poses for other, more finished commissions.

Wellp, while I was scanning the front of those Gen13 photocopies for a future Work Stages feature, I belatedly realized that some of these vintage DiD sketches hadn't yet been scanned and tossed into yet another Distressed Damsels post. So, here we go with a few late-90s sets of Dirty Pair's Kei—nay, Rose facing rather vague imperilment!

Yeahp, if you squint enough, you can see the faint pattern of the Gen13 pencils visible in the white areas of this Rose sketch set. Yay?

Now, brace yourself for a Rose iteration with gigantic frickin' eyes:

Well, that was certainly different! Pretty sure I can tell you that Giant Eyes Rose did not appear in a subsequent commission.

The first two sets didn't fully use the space allowed by the 11" X 17" photocopy's space; different story with our next image, as you can see.

In an odd approach for an effective "double-page spread," the left side of the page reads as one scene, and the right side as a successive scene. So, poor Rose is tranqed and bedamseled in the first part:

...then rallies with a few kicks to her unseen captors, allowing a moment of escape before a more capable (though still unseen) foe grabs Rose and tosses her over his shoulder:

The spread featured dialogue of a sort, but I found that text too crappy to countenance including it here. 

Pretty sure that another "photocopy spread" continuing this vague narrative does exist, but I wasn't able to find it today. Anyhoo, expect to see a few more of these old sketch sets in the months to come, though I doubt I'll parcel out more than one such set per month; the rest of April's DiD posts will feature more up-to-date material, never fear—though, no doubt, some or even many of you may prefer seeing these skinnier, differently proportioned Roses & Lilies of vintage yore.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, though something should be going up in our next open M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




Poor Rose, and her stupid job drawing fire. I hope they get good vacation time.


Those eyes. https://youtu.be/kj5pXytIY_4

Thomas Pool

Hey, Adam can draw slender girls too, how 'bout that...