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As I desperately scramble to rebuild a Patreon buffer after the post-intensive close of November and the grinding finale of work on that maddening Harley Quinn story, pawed through my dwindling binder of early-2000s con-sketch copies to find a few more that I prrrrrrrrobably haven't scanned before.

First up, drawn on the linen-finish cardstock of the era, is a commissioner's original character (OC) "Bounce," presumably a superheroine with a very distinctive costume:

Next up are a pair of bubble-helmeted spacegirls:

That's a very highly stylized face from a period in my work of similar off-the-wall experimentation as I messed around with "wacky AF" design variations. Gotta love, BTW, the presumably glowing triangles on the backside of her spacesuit helpfully indicating the "dimples of Venus." 

Well, that's a very different stab at facial-design stylization, gotta say. 

And that's all I got for ya today, as I finish off another workday of nothin' but inking, a Sisyphean task which I plan to never, ever do for full-size comic pages again.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Dunno yet what the content might be, but something should be going up in the next M/W/F slot.




Love the way these look.


"dimples of Venus" and "Sisyphean"... seriously, thanks for the vocabulary lesson.