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In the midst of my ongoing Harley Quinn inking nightmare—I'm finally on the last page, folks!—I did, in fact, sketch up more of the "Flight Attendant Lily in Peril" story seen last week (as a brief distraction from the HQ ordeal), but didn't quite have enough material yet for a Distressed Damsels post. (I do have an actual title page for that story, goofily enough.)

So, to finish out the the month's requisite DiD content, this morning I hastily scanned a few random sketch sets that were kicking around my studio space amidst the usual paper blizzard of roughs and pencil drafts and printouts and Work Stages. Enjoy?

A few words of explanation:

This random sketch from four or five years ago was an attempt to see if my modern-era Con Sketches two-color format could be stretched to a pencil-based medium. Looks okay, I guess, but entire comic pages like this didn't seem viable.

The damsel above looks a bit like "backup DiD superheroine" Emerald, but I'm unsure if this test was actually supposed to be her. 

Next up, a pair of unfinished Empowered sketch sets, generating DiD poses I could theoretically reuse in comic pages—but do not appear to have done so:

Looks vaguely based, once again, on that (in)famous Spider-Woman story from the 70s that's featured so frequently in DiD commission requests over the (many) years.

These were probably done around Empowered vols. 9 or 10, judging by Emp's perceptibly mo' zaftig physique. The next set were done a bit later, judging by her even more perceptibly zaftig physique:

The next two sets were developmental sketches for a DiD episode involving an ultra-tech "restraint membrane" that I never got around to tackling; can't even recall what character this was supposed to be. The Invisible Woman, maybe? Well, whoever this would've been, she's certainly drawn with modern-era Emp's curvier curviness:

Note that the close-ups on the right were an attempt to get around the membrane's obscuring of the damsel's face; not a bad idea, really.

Regardless, you'll be seeing at least several of these poses again shortly, as the "Flight Attendant Lily" story fragment will feature such "restraintware" in action:

And that's all I've got for you today, DiD aficionados! Next month will definitely see s'more Clip Studio Painting of damsel content, whether from art reqs or comic pages (or both); alas, this month I had no time whatsoever for digital drawing, thanks to the all-consuming, fully analog work process of the aforementioned DC story.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: As the last day of November rolls around, time for the Biggest Spenders Exclusive Monthly Bonus Post for the $10 & $20 tiers, which should go up tomorrow. Will likely put up a poll sometime today for the Biggest Spenders to vote on re: what content that post will cover; might end up being that Emp Jamaica Inn "bedroom cosplay" episode I've mentioned before, so that'll possibly constitute yet another dose of DiD content for the month.

And now, back to that last page of Harley Quinn!




W o w ! ! !


They're all good, but those first 2 images are especially great.


Looking at these makes me think Emp should fight a bubblegum villain. Sweet, delicious bondage.