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Behold, the Work Stages on a 2013 variant cover I drew for an issue of Marvel's X-Factor. Line art by me, colors by the fine lads of coloring studio Guru eFX; worked out decently, IMHO. Pretty self-explanatory, though I should note that the three color jpegs above show a series of slight tweaks to the illo's coloring, ending with a shift of Gambit's hues to reflect the glowing "cards" he's holding.

Hey, wait, I vaguely recall a Patron wanting me to draw Gambit a year or two (or three) ago as an art req. Well, here you go!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea at present as my post buffer is wholly expended, but something should be going up on Wednesday, even as I flail and grind my way into week g-d three of drawing a Harley Quinn short(!) story. I just received a generous deadline extension as the issue's not hitting the ol' stands until March, but I still want to finish the story ASAFP.




At least DC is still puddin' out books !!