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[You can see the previous installment of this, uh, "story" here.]

So! I've made no progress whatsoever on actual digital-art pages for the CSP-via-Cintiq test comic Rose & Lily: Flowers of Peril, first discussed a few months ago. Howeva, whilst working up some initial pencil-based analog roughs for that story, I wound up sidetracked by reworking some older, unfinished Kei and Yu—nay, Rose & Lily commissioned DiD roughs into a form that could be reused later on in Flowers of Peril's narrative.

The original roughs featured a Rogue (D&D-class) Shasti getting the better of Rose & Lily as usual, but that's untenable in Flowers of Peril because she's already appearing in the story's first act as a sinister sorceress. (Uh, SPOILER, I guess?)

So, I redrew those roughs into a new sequence featuring the Potion-Shop Gnomes previously seen victimizing the Hushed Half-Elf a while back; alas, I deleted the posts with that scene out of sheer paranoia after April's alarming run-in with Patreon Trust and Safety, so you cannae see them at this time. (Those pages weren't specifically flagged by Patreon as offensive, so I might someday repost 'em here... Maybe.)

Anyhoo, continuing from a month-ago post, here are more roughs from this sequence:

Out of sheer paranoia, I've deleted most of the sketchy-ass dialogue blathered by gnomish "Ol' Shemlin" from this sequence. Tough to say if the clearly impure intentions expressed by him throughout this sequence would be interpreted malignly by Patreon Trust & Safety, though our hapless heroines Rose & Lily are in no actual danger from this wee, big-talking blowhard, as will become clear later. (In fact, they will eventually be rescued by a very familiar character...)

Honestly, you're not missing out on that much with the deletion of Ol' Shemlin's blithering and blathering. (If I had the time, which I most assuredly do not, I could've rewritten his dialogue in a more amusing and less sketchy manner.)

Admittedly, tough to differentiate Rose from Lily when I don't bother to fill in the latter's theoretically dark hair.

Next time around, I cropped not just the dialogue but the entire right side of the rough, as Lily distracts the gnome from Rose's struggles:

And back to a full page, uncropped and untweaked as it lacks potentially problematic dialogue, to finish out the scene:

Aaaaaand that's it for this abortive "sneak preview" from much later on in Rose & Lily: Flowers of Peril, folks. Yay?

With a new Harley Quinn story needing to be finished in the next few weeks, I'm unlikely to make much more progress on Flowers of Peril in November, alas. (In fact, just keeping up with M/W/F Patreon posting over the next 3-4 weeks is gonna be pretty tough, but I should be able to handle the grind, I think.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Ehh, probably a "next month on this Patreon" preview post if possible, along with a $10-tier art request post for my future reference after the Harley Quinn dealie is wrapped up. Then, on Wednesday, something should go up on the next M/W/F slot.




Shame about the dialog, but this still looks really good.


Is this something you plan on compiling and selling via Gumroad or a similar service. If I may be blunt, barring on rude, while I know Harley Quinn and Wolverine are more popular, a sketch comic of Rose & Lily's misadventures would be something I'd pay $20 to read. Though, and this is where the rudeness starts, I sadly suspect my minority status holding that opinion given what I know of most collectors. Alas.


For the missing dialog, I suggest... Tighter ?? Mmf... mmf !! OK, tighter !!


Yeah shame about the dialogue, but your art speaks enough on it's own!