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I'm more than a tad dubious about posting DC or Marvel stuff here, so keep this to yourselves, okay?

Anyhoo, following up on a previous Harley Quinn variant cover, this time around I tried a fantasy-RPG-oriented cover concept, which of course would be more relevant to future work such as The Last Party—aka the new comic project that merges characters from Hushed Half-Elf and Party of Two, which has recently generated yet another amusing new FRPG-ish spinoff project I'll be discussing here before long.

So, I previously showed you the remarkably difficult and challenging roughs and pencil stages for this wacky concept, followed by a post featuring the even more difficult and challenging inks. 

Wellp, here are the cover's colors (minus a few minor tweaks that will be made to the final, printed version) by red-hot DC and Marvel colorist Alejandro Sanchez, who was recommended to me by my bud Ryan Kinnaird. Worked out well, don't you think?

And now, on to the roughs for a Harley Quinn short story I'll be writing and drawing for DC, folks—which, coincidentally enough, will prominently feature HQ's hyenid pets Bud & Lou, though probably not in the FRPG monster forms seen here.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: We're rolling with every-weekday posts to finish off the month of October, so something should be going up tomorrow, okay?




Noice loving the turn out so far 👌


Thicc thighs save lives


This is nice.


Damn ripped Harley is pretty fetching 🤤


Harley looking extra thicc.