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Circa 2017 or so, I was supposed to work up a crossover DiD dealie for a long-term commissioner that would've pitted Empowered against the giantess Mount Lady (I think) from the manga My Hero Academia. Alas, I didn't get very far on the concept, but did work up some decent Distressed Emp rough-sketch poses for future (re)use.

You can juuuuust about make out a rough doodle of Mount Lady in the opening image below:

The usual, trope-y "accidental herofight due to misunderstanding" would've been in effect here, save that Emp's bondage curse would've meant that Mount Lady trusses  up our heroine instead of punching her. 

In theory, Emp would also have been giant-scale in this scene, save that I didn't get around to drawing the urban backdrops to indicate the struggling heroines' ginormousness. (Nor would I ever, obvsly.)

And, of course, the g*gged Emp would've been unable to clarify her hero status to the Hero Academia character. Oh, the tragedy!

I produced one more page of Emp rough-sketch poses before pulling the plug on this abortive effort. However, take a gander at the final Emp pose below...

...which, a few years later, I did end up reusing for a panel from the upcoming Empowered vol. 12:

Thus, in however minor a fashion, this never-drawn pseudo-crossover did indeed wind up contributing to Empowered continuity. Golly!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: We're rolling with every-weekday posts to finish off the month of October, so something should be going up tomorrow, okay?




♬ Now all I want to do, is see Emp turn into, a giant woman...


...and here I want to see Emp get K.O.'d by Midnight. No, no, I want to see the cross-over where we find out Midoriya has a secret notebook dedicated to Emp, and Mineta finds it and...you know, I feel like I may have said too much.


Seeing Emp’s pokies is a treat and reminds me of the forever unanswered mystery of her missing camelto—

Thomas Pool

Panel 5: it was at this point Emp began to suspect...