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Wellp, the time has finally arrived for single-set posts of life drawings from random photoreference, as my once seemingly endless supply of sets from near-daily work in 2017 has dwindled down to a sadly diminished number.  I'll probably wind up posting these single-image sets more often than the older double sets, though, and I'll likely make some effort at further commentary on each.

Howeva, this Empowered-related set from June 2017 of images based on chrome body paint already features a fair number of notes on the original piece, so... Yay? Enjoy the bonus written content?

Below, enjoy the higher-res, raw and untweaked grayscale scan as a TIF attachment. (BTW, that's a TIF—or TIFF, if you prefer—rather than a PSD because now my up-to-date version of Photoshop can't show me a thumbnail image preview of a PSD, thanks to some charming interaction between Photoshop and Windows 10.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea at the moment, but you should see something in the next M/W/F weekday slot, okay?

UPDATE: In fact, Wednesday's post will be a rare Designs Ahoy! installment (for the $3+ tiers), as I'm currently doodling page after page of character designs for a new project. Wheeeeee!




He usually waits until the end of the month to post the art requests. calm down