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As mentioned in our previous Distressed Damsels post, I drew an unnamed, maskless superheroine for a whole bunch of rough-sketch commissions for a long-time (small-P) patron well before Empowered came about. This character, who I've unofficially nicknamed Emerald as a supranym after I drew her in a green proto-Empsuit for a color piece, was one of the early forerunners to Emp, along with "Dirty Pair: A Plague of Angels' Cory Emerson as superheroic damsel" seen in the Bonus Features for vol. 1 of Empowered Deluxe Edition. (Yeah, I'll need to dig up those old files for a future Distressed Damsels post, or at least scan the images out of the Deluxe Edition.)

Anyhoo, whilst recently cleaning up my studio space, I dug up s'more unfinished Emerald sketch sets that were actually drawn well after Empowered had debuted. These were pose studies for a never-drawn episode of our maskless superheroine apparently "laid low" by unseen bad guys and strapped into a straitjacket almost certainly based on the somewhat titillating restraints applied to Kei in 1992's Dirty Pair: SimHell:

...but here featuring the even more titillating detail of a conspicuous "boob window":

Not sure exactly when I originally drew these Emerald images (as I just now scanned 'em), but the pronounced curviness accompanied by a proportionally larger head size than I often draw nowadays hints to me that this was drawn sometime in the mid- to late-2010s.

While this rough-sketch set never developed into more finished material, the "sexed-up straitjacket" does make an appearance in the upcoming Empowered vol. 12:

...where you can see the somewhat "smaller" head-to-body figure proportions I currently use.

NEXT TIME ON "DISTRESSED DAMSELS": Ehh, might be those dialogued rough pages for Rose & Lily vs. Hushed Half-Elf's "potion-shop gnomes" that I mentioned last time, though I might have to censor some dialogue to avoid Patreon Trust & Safety issues...

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure, TBH, but as I am rolling with every-weekday posts to wrap up the month of September, you will definitely be seeing plenty o' material next week.




Another fun set of sketches, and still looking forward to seeing how this goofy scene in V12 plays out. Feels like it's gonna be a great laugh!

Thomas Pool

Death Trap Monger. Droll.


You've used that pose in page 2 a time or two before E: not complaining! just observing haha

Jan Bach

WOW ... excellent stuff! I especially love EMERALD straitjacket 4 and 5. And the gag is beautiful, too! A little bit different than usual.