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I'm more than a tad dubious about posting DC or Marvel stuff here, so keep this to yourselves, okay?

Anyhoo, following up on a previous Harley Quinn variant cover, this time around I tried a fantasy-RPG-oriented cover concept, which of course would be more relevant to future work such as The Last Party (aka the new comic project that merges characters from Hushed Half-Elf and Party of Two).

So, I worked up a rough in Clip Studio Paint via the ol' Wacom Cintiq: 

Harley's figure looked more than a tad misproportioned and stumpy, so I tweaked it in Photoshop a bit:

..and, temporarily, thought the result was an adequate improvement. I sent the rough off to my editor, got approval on the image, and started the theoretically final pencils for the cover—in analog media, you'll notice, using Wildstorm/DC art board acquired during my Gen13 run 22 years ago (ouch):

...only to belatedly notice that Harley's figure was still misproportioned and stumpy. I scanned the piece, and once again did a whole bunch of rescaling and tweaking to her image in Photoshop:

The results were still more than a tad wonky, but not quite so eye-gouging to me, so I rolled with this revision. Teeth gritted, I erased her figure from the original art board, traced the image via printout and lightboard, and proceeded to the really-final-this-time pencils:

...which, as I type this text at 7:30am, I am about to continue inking for the second straight day; I spent all of yesterday inking g-d thorns, and haven't yet touched a PITT Artist Pen to even one of the illo's figures. 

Yes, folks, this new cover has turned out to be just as difficult, frustrating and time-consuming—in fact, more time-consuming—than the g-d cyberpunk-y "hardsuit Harley" after all. Golly! 

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Ehh, 'tis time to start getting either my Life Drawing (for all Patron tiers) or Distressed Damsels (for the $5+ tiers) mandatory posts for the month outta the way, so you can expect to see one of those on Friday.




Thanks for the Distressed Adam post. Seriously, though, looks great.

Dean Reilly

So I assume that your next cover will feature emoji Harley or balloon-animal Harley, or something similar.😄


Oooh -- this is going to turn out real neat. Digging the fantasy-vibe more than the cyber-punk, can't wait to see how this is going to come out in colors after you finish the inks-quest!


It'll all be worth it, Adam. When it's done, it's gonna rock! 🤘🏿


Appreciate how she doesn't look like a 100lb skin and bones runway model.