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Behold, the third and final (I think) installment of Patreon posts featuring the Work Stages on the cover illo for 2015's one-shot Empowered: Animal Style by Guest Artist John Staton and me, along with final colors on the piece by Rob "Robaato" Porter. Here's a link to part 2, BTW; alas, I had completely forgotten I still needed to finish up this series of posts, hence the month-long gap between 'em. 

In our next Work Stages post, folks, we've finally moved on to the coloring phase at last, in which Robaato merged the line art from John and me before painting the whole in luxurious full color. Yay!

First two images in the gallery above are Rob's uncropped colors for the piece followed by the cropped version. Next up are a series of mock-up images using a previous one-shot's logo, subtitle & credits, all as part of a desperate scheme to figure out where the hell to place the g-d UPC code box. Alas, that old, space-consuming code box wound up slapped over the rabbity robot at lower right:

In later years, Dark Horse thankfully switched over to a much lower-profile UPC code  box that took up less space, but that future improvement came too late to help us out on this occasion.

Let's take a moment to appreciate Rob's great colors specifically on my Emp figure, which worked out fantastically well (IMHO):

The final few images in the gallery were an attempt to crop and rearrange the cover's elements into a banner for the Dark Horse Horsepower line-wide promotional feature, but that effort presumably came to naught, as I've never seen a final version:

And lo, thus does the protracted Work Stages odyssey of Empowered: Animal Style's cover illo at last draw to a close. Whew!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure, TBH, as I'm prepping this post as a last-minute fill-in dealie, but something should be going up in the next M/W/F slot, okay? (After all, I do have a veritable boatload of material that needs to be posted this summer.)




Love Emp’s rendering in this cover


Will we get work stages for the Animal Style comic?


That's... possible, though I hadn't considered the option. Definitely worth looking into!


I'd be something to fill up the schedule, if anything!