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I'm a bit dubious about posting Big Two work here, so keep this to yourselves, okay? Anyhoo, here's a second sneak preview of a new Wolverine/ Man-Thing short story I wrote, penciled & inked for Marvel's Crypt of Shadows anthology title, for an issue due out on Oct.19.

I have previously drawn Laura Kinney (now aka Wolverine) as her X-23 iteration for a Marvel vs. Capcom illo, but can't say that I've ever drawn the ol' Man-Thing before. Go figure! 

(BTW, the 3rd image is one of my overly detailed and time-consuming lettering guides for the entirely caption-based story.)

Note also that my co-created character Galacta, Daughter of Galactus makes a cameo appearance of sorts on page 2! (Pity that she's going to be mostly covered up by captions.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: As usual, I'm not sure what will be posted next, but as I have a whole bunch of material to cram into the rest of August, something will definitely be going up in the next M/W/F slot.




*WOOO! EARLY Exclusive stuff...wooo*whispers* *bows*

Richard Franklin

So cool. How does a story like this come about? Did Marvel approach you and ask you to do something with these characters, or did you choose them?


I contacted an editorial office I'd worked with before to see if I could pitch on anything new, and was told they had an opportunity in a Halloween anthology book for a short Man-Thing story. I worked up a proposal & synopsis, ran it by 'em, and was cleared to proceed.

The Silver Socialist

You are better at drawing man thin than any other artist I've ever seen draw Man-Thing.


The fully inked pages gave the same sort of vibes as the fight scenes with Willy Pete.

Mike Powers

Could the guys from Nihei's "Wolverine" series make a cameo? I feel like they'd fit the setting...