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Behold, recently unearthed, "sketchy"-format pages that were part of an open-ended Dirty Pair DiD commission dealie with a long-time (small-P) patron. 

They seem to be from the early 2000s, judging by the then-new stylistic riffs of "minimal nasal indication" (drawn on purpose) and, to quote from my Empowered webcomic commentaries, "Mysteriously Intermittent Post-Millennial Torso Glitch" (which was not done on purpose).

Note that these text-heavy pages are nosing into future Rose & Lily territory of raw cheesecake seasoned with wacky SF speculation, as the unseen bad guys are attempting to use the Lovely Angels' status as "catastrophe magnets" to boost the yield on some form of WMD:

Note the wasp-waisted "Mysteriously Intermittent Post-Millennial Torso Glitch" (MIPMTG) in effect on Kei above—or is that actually Rose? Have these hapless bad guys accidentally grabbed the DP variants that are actually distress magnets, not disaster magnets? Quite possibly!

...and we jump ahead to Yu—nay, Lily getting the same treatment, though by a more solicitous if still mostly unseen bad guy:

Yeahp, the MIPMTG is in full effect here as well! Golly.

Not sure where the bit re: "lip rolling" is from, let alone if it's actually true. I suspect the riff might've been derived from a convention conversation with an informative young lady from the, ah, "community"; that would be the same person who later informed me that I had gotten the difference between hemp rope and nylon rope exactly wrong in Empowered vol. 1. (Their "burn rates," apparently, are exactly the opposite of what I so cavalierly wrote in Emp's dialogue.) Whoops!

In panel 2 above, I do rather like the idea that (wasp-waisted!) Lily commands her smartsuit in a polite manner. Note that the hyper-stylized, cartoony riff of the "MIPMTG" was occurring unintentionally, as I breezily knocked out comic pages that weren't, well, "real comics."

I'm pretty sure that several more pages in this story do exist (before, as usual with commissioned DiD comic pages, the narrative ground to a halt inconclusively), but I haven't yet been able to track 'em down. If I do, I'll post 'em down the road, okay?

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure, TBH, but something should be going up Wednesday. 

Also, as I just knocked out a damsel-content set of Clip Studio Paint sketches based on the remaining June art requests, I'll be putting up a new art-req post for the $20 tier within the next day or two. Stand by, Biggest Spenders!




Hmm, given that her smartsuit worked efficiently to release her from bondage, that might actually be Yuri this time around.


Love the damsel works, this looks really good.


I like to think the EscapeWare (err, Freeware) recognizes imminent danger and will work when a certain lethality threshold is met.

andrew (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-29 16:27:56 This is great! The idea that there are bad guys who actually think K&Y's presence acts as a power-up for their plans is exactly why R&L exist as danger-prone agents. It even kind of gives a reason for the Central Computer excusing K&Y so much. If it's doing a grim calculus to maximize life spans of trillions of citizens, then the millions of deaths that happen in proximity of K&Y is a small price to pay. If it can capitalize on their fame, as a deterrent to some and an attractor to others, then the cost goes down. How many "Project Slappy" type operations were scrapped because R&L were seen somewhere? How many planet breaker bombs were disarmed because the Lily's Freeware "glitched" until the bad guys made their escape with her left to her demise? Human intellects are playing checkers, and the Central Computer is the descendant of AlphaGo. :-D
2022-07-11 14:42:13 This is great! The idea that there are bad guys who actually think K&Y's presence acts as a power-up for their plans is exactly why R&L exist as danger-prone agents. It even kind of gives a reason for the Central Computer excusing K&Y so much. If it's doing a grim calculus to maximize life spans of trillions of citizens, then the millions of deaths that happen in proximity of K&Y is a small price to pay. If it can capitalize on their fame, as a deterrent to some and an attractor to others, then the cost goes down. How many "Project Slappy" type operations were scrapped because R&L were seen somewhere? How many planet breaker bombs were disarmed because the Lily's Freeware "glitched" until the bad guys made their escape with her left to her demise? Human intellects are playing checkers, and the Central Computer is the descendant of AlphaGo. :-D

This is great! The idea that there are bad guys who actually think K&Y's presence acts as a power-up for their plans is exactly why R&L exist as danger-prone agents. It even kind of gives a reason for the Central Computer excusing K&Y so much. If it's doing a grim calculus to maximize life spans of trillions of citizens, then the millions of deaths that happen in proximity of K&Y is a small price to pay. If it can capitalize on their fame, as a deterrent to some and an attractor to others, then the cost goes down. How many "Project Slappy" type operations were scrapped because R&L were seen somewhere? How many planet breaker bombs were disarmed because the Lily's Freeware "glitched" until the bad guys made their escape with her left to her demise? Human intellects are playing checkers, and the Central Computer is the descendant of AlphaGo. :-D


Hmm, maybe, could also be that Rose and Lily still have the same self-preservation good luck that Kei and Yuri do despite the different issues otherwise.


Strictly speaking, I'm fairly sure ol' CC is maximizing welfare, not mere lifespan, hence the whole "World's Welfare Works Association" thing. Ain't utilitarianism grand? Hey, could be worse, CC could be an adherent of one of the offshoots that believes that the best way to alleviate suffering is to rewire the human mind to create a state of mandatory bliss, or one of the ones that believes that the quantum fabric that underlies reality is suffering on an incomprehensible level and that therefore the only moral thing to do is to destroy the entire multiverse as quickly as possible (yes, that's a real ideology that real legitimate non-trolls believe, or at least write academic papers claiming to believe). Actually, somebody wrote an essay arguing that the death toll of the Lovely Angels is a sign that they are some sort of benevolent deities providing Buddhist-esque deliverance from the cycle of suffering, and that they help humanity "prepare for the next phase of their spiritual development by bringing forth traumatic, yet necessary transformative change"; not 100% sure I'd go that far.