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On this particular Friday, I'm revisiting a supposedly continuing feature last addressed in a post on June 17 (ouch): Namely, a successful pitch for my 2000-2001 run of writing and occasionally drawing an 18-issue run on Wildstorm/DC's superhero title Gen13!

Cutting & pasting from our earlier installment:

So, a few months ago, I stumbled across a bunch of old Word documents for a series of mostly unsuccessful proposals which could be featured on future Failed-Project Fridays. I then put up a poll for the Bigger Spenders of the $10 & $20 Patron tiers, querying those extra-generous folks as to which defunct pitch they'd like to see posted first.

Ah, but at the end of the poll I tacked on a voting option for a rare successful pitch of minenamely, the 2000-2001 run of Wildstorm's superteam book Gen13 (issues #60-77) which I wrote and occasionally drew. And lo, the Big Spending Patrons chose that that option as their favorite by a wide margin, with the pitch doc for the defunct crossover Dirty Pair/Gen13: Jupiter Brain coming in as a distant second. (That old proposal and others from the poll will appear here eventually, likely after I've finished the serialization of script and layouts for the similarly defunct miniseries Empowered and the Mask City Meltdown.)

Note, however, that the actual Word doc for this pitch is inaccessible, no doubt lost in a botched hard drive migration of yore, so I had to scan a set of printouts of the Gen13 pitch for your reading pleasure.

Note also that the Gen13 image that leads off the gallery above mainly focuses on previous miniseries Grunge! the Movie and Magical Drama Queen Roxy, but the piece does feature a few cameos from characters that appeared in the #60-77 run.

Anyhoo, next in the image gallery above are the last bunch of pages from this pitch, which feature a series of "odds & ends" story fragments, most of which I wound up using (IIRC) in the series. 

And thus ends a rare successful pitch, folks! After this, we're back to exploring a long series of Failed Pitches or, at least, never-finished projects.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, as I type this line a week out from this post going live! Stand by for something next Monday, okay?




How many of these anecdotes actually made it in to the series? I remembering buying those issues but I'm not really remembering any of these arcs... granted it _was_ 20 years ago.


I just reread the run, and part of the first one, "Climate Change", and "Lord of the Pants" all made it in from this one.


You make Roxy a lot more fun.