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As the end of June and the monthly exodus of 20 to 30-odd Patrons looms, thought I'd put up a quick list of content I'm contemplating for July. Yay?

*On July 1, stand by for the exciting finale of roughs and scripts for the defunct miniseries Empowered and the Mask City Meltdown, which includes a final plot twist of sorts that ties in to a key element of Empowered vol.12. No, really!

*Later in the month, look for Work Stages on the truly hellish, cyberpunky AF variant cover that took me an alarming chunk of June to complete. Ouch!

*I'm writing and drawing a fairly wacky Big Two short story during July (my first such dealie since, jeez, a Deadpool short in 2016), so expect to see a number of developmental posts as that sucker comes together.

*On the Distressed Damsels front, I'm prrrobably going to repost at least a  few of the older DiD posts that I removed during that unpleasant springtime visit from Patreon Trust and Safety. These were posts that weren't specifically flagged in the message from Patreon, but that I removed out of sheer paranoia in what now seems like a bit of an overreaction.

As for newer (or at least new-to-you) Distressed Damsels content, I'm likely going to put up the last few remaining comic pages from my now-depleted folders of story-based DiD commissions. Plus, of course, Rose & Lily material either old or new could appear at any time, folks! (I might annotate that recent R&L sketch-set post with s'more wacky "lore," for whatever that's worth.)

*On that tip, as I continue fiddling with Clip Studio Paint via Wacom Cintiq, I'll likely do some Hushed Half-Elf material as I try to work towards the development of the new comic project, The Last Party, that will eventually merges HHE with Party of Two. (Until I have a digital workflow squared away, I'm not gonna be writing and drawing The Last Party in earnest, I'm afraid.)

*Didn't put a Vintage Con Sketches post up during June, so expect to see one of those at some point in July.

*Failed-Project Friday will return later in the month for a one-off post featuring artwork from a late-90s DC Vertigo pitch(!) that I am very, very glad was not accepted...

*Concluding serialization of my 2004-era layouts and Work Stages for the Unnamed Robot Comic's final issue will kick off as well.

*The final installment of prose experiment I Am Empowered will prrrrrobably go up in July, too.

*Final installment of my 2000-era Gen13 series pitch needs to go up sometime this summer, too.

*Of course, your monthly doses of Life Drawings will continue as usual.

*Also as usual, stand by for an Exclusive Monthly Bonus Post for the Biggest Spenders at the end of July, as well as the solicitation of art requests from at least the $20 tier, if not the $10 tier as well.

*I also have several text pieces that should go up at some point during the summer, but July's already looking pretty crowded. (Hrmmm.)

Anyhoo, that's what I've got in mind for July at the moment. If you have a further suggestions, lemme know in the comments, okay?


Sabrina Pandora

The artists I work with who made the switch expressed their difficulties in adapting, but it seems like every day they find another new tool or feature in ClipStudio that makes their lives easier. For the sake of your beleaguered drawing hand alone, I look forward to you getting his with the tech, sir.

Mark Pearce

Always looking forward to more DiD


I really enjoyed the tutorial page you did on common mistakes for comic page layout. Do you have any more helpful how-to comic making tips or pages?


Because of a credit card issue, I will be part of the exodus this month - but will return by the middle of July! I hope you end up reposting (and maybe adding a follow up?) to that HHE page where she fails to hide herself behind a tree.


These sound like a lot of fun things to look forward to. The preview is neat, and will hopefully build some energy to keep retention up!


Morbidly curious to see what kind of thing you're glad didn't get made into a full published product.