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Following up on a previous post's collection of loosely rendered (and loosely commissioned) DiD sketch sets featuring operative Yurnay, Lily imperiled in some vague and ill-defined office setting, here are a few more new pages of sketches along those lines, once more jazzed up with some highly speculative scribbled text further exploring "Rose & Lily lore."  (That's because I found the straight damsel images kinda boring, TBH.)

The first one continues with Imperiled Office Lily in the same disheveled outfit seen in the previous set:

...but, alas, this time you're not going to learn exactly what thought gives Lily comfort in her hour(s) of distress, as I stopped this scene after this page. (I can hint that the thought in question involves Rose, as it's an insight about the two ladies that just occurred to me; maybe I'll address this point in a future Rose & Lily post.)

The annotations on the sets that follow all jump around a bit, but the next set really jumps around, as we're seeing a whole bunch of random images of Lily "laid low," with a common theme in her commentary:

Now, I actually worked up two successive pages of Office Lily sketches with annotations from the 3WA's point of view explaining explaining why she's reacting this way, but I'm not including 'em because one of the pages featured an image that potentially could've been interpreted uncharitably by Patreon Trust & Safety; so, until I sub in a less problematic sketch, you'll have to wait a while to see what those 3WA scoundrels are up to.

Aaaaaand with the next set, back to Imperiled Lily in the usual, stripped-down Dirty Pair costumes seen in these scenarios, as her commentary opines re: her 3WA-issued 'ware:

And we close out these new sets as Lily experiences a sudden epiphany about her anomalously frequent brushes with distressed damselhood:

Might well be the case that Lily has the Lucien genetic upgrade "buxom boost" mode activated, as mentioned in an earlier, since-deleted Shasti post; I might put that old post back up again, after tacking on an intro image to (theoretically) ward off Trust & Safety's Eye of Sauron.

Anyhoo, was Lily's sudden insight correct? Will I ever address this point again? Will I do many more of these sets, given that combining industrial-strength, background-free cheesecake with goofy techno-speculation is the devil's candy for me? (Seriously, I sank a lot more time than necessary screwing around with these sets.)

Who knows? Anyhoo, next week Distressed Damsels will probably feature more vintage Lily takes, as one of my long-time patrons really did love him some Lily (or the other name, more accurately.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure, TBH, but let's find out together, shall we?




You know, there's a vast list of possibilities for who could have chucked Lily in a sim. Could be Sleet or Shasti. Could be a Central Computer test. Could be J. Random Badguy. Could be a pissed off ex. Could be Kei or Yuri acting on a "no more fucking clones" policy. Could be Lily herself indulging some subby wank fantasies and going in too deep. Could be DPVerse Adam Warren getting elaborate revenge/being a dick.

Thos. Merchant

Lily should have an in-depth discussion with the Escapeware developers, along the lines of questioning how closely they hew to Truth-in-Advertising laws.


Assuming Escapeware (or Freeware and I'm lobbying to call it!) isn't part of the dream logic trapping her in the sim, I wonder what it actually is. I have to imagine it's not so much a single app as it is a cluster of micro-services spread out across her available equipment (tools, clothes, and body) controlled from an embedded UI. A sub-sapient AI trained to identify restraints and resources, then formulate an escape. Zip-ties identified by feedback from nerve endings, boost adrenaline to snap them. Smartware skirt remnants used as bonds, disintegrate them. Which begs the question, how does one train that AI? Poor Lily is trapped in a simulation that failed to find an escape. She, along with hundreds, nay thousands, of simulated Lily clones will continue be imperiled until a solution is found.


Is L.I.L.Y. an acronym? Limited Interaction Learning Yurl? A stripped down (often literally!) Yuri sim used for training the AI embedded into 3WA agents?


What brain genius at the 3WA thought "Well, the last Yuri clone blew up several suns for chuckles, so let's make several thousand more and deliberately torture them?" Yeah, I know they're simulated, but I barely trust the fourth wall as adequate protection against Lovely Angel related disasters, let alone a computer.


Definitely not going to ruin her day more by mentioning she's not near as athletic and slim as Yuri. That would be mean. Not that she's not fiiiine, but enough different you can tell if youy're looking.