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Behold, following up on an earlier post of layout pages from Unnamed Robot Comic (better known as 2004's mecha-team miniseries Livewires), here are the work stages on a few more pages from issue #5 that I wound up penciling myself, as opposed to leaving the work to series penciler Rick Mays; I did so either for deadline reasons or because the pages in question were heavily technical.

So, in the image gallery above, you'll see my layout pages, then inker Jason Martin's finished inks for the pages (probably?), then coloring studio Guru eFX's final colors. Yay?

SIDE NOTE ON PAGE 10: See those humongous thingies floating in the vats in panel 3? Wellp, this is the only remaining hint of an originally planned scene that would've revealed what the heck the Evil Nick Furies were building aboard their helicarriernamely, an Evangelion-scale giant robot body for Ultron. No, really! (A successive Livewires arc would've been Ultron-related, or so I once optimistically planned.) Alas, I ran outta pagecount for such an ambitious sceneor, possibly, I wouldn't have gotten permission to use Ultronso we never do learn exactly why the Furies needed that shipment of nanoware infiltrated by the Livewire team. (Oh, well.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Time for more Failed-Project Friday, folks!




Love the work stages, Gothic Lolita was one of my faves

Dean Reilly

Thanks, I'd been wondering what the deal was with the giant head and hand.


A real shame we never got to see subsequent arcs.