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Following up on a previous post's collection of loosely rendered (and loosely commissioned) DiD sketch sets featuring operative Yu-- nay, Lily imperiled in some vague and ill-defined office setting, here are a few more pages of sketches along those lines, once more jazzed up with some highly speculative scribbled text further exploring "Rose & Lily lore." (That's because I found the straight damsel images kinda boring, TBH.)

The first three pages are spun off from the disheveled outfit seen in this one sketch from the previous post:

...which I thought looked pretty cute, so I ran with it in s'more sketch sets:

...which were annotated with s'more dubiously speculative text from, one assumes, Rose & Lily's superiors.

With the next sketch set, the added text shifts to accounts from Lily's POV, opining about her distressing times at the office:

With the next set, Lily explores how completely (and suspiciously!) all her Lovely-Angels-worthy augmentations and cybergear fails her in these distressing situations:

Sorry 'bout that, Lily. (Emp and the Hushed Half-Elf could, of course, sympathize.)

Wellp, not a huge SPOILER to say that an explanation does, in fact, exist for Lily's suspiciously malfunctioning hardware (and wetware, etc.), which will be revealed from her superiors' POV if I get around to annotating more of these sketch sets down the road.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: If I get around to finishing up s'more Empowered vol. 12 revisions this morning, tomorrow's bonus posts will see a li'l something for everyone. 

The Biggest Spenders of the $10 & $20 tiers will definitely get their Exclusive Monthly Bonus Post featuring the difficult, demanding, and ultimately deleted Titanic scene from Empowered vol. 12, while most other Patreons will prrrrobably see the final update on my 2018 Manga Madness brackets, including a mention of newer manga that could've made the cut. Yay?




I think this might be Rose and not Lily in some of the sketches given the ponytail and lighter hair? Also, the differential attractiveness could be caused at least in part by Shasti's biohackery as shown in the now-deleted "Sexy Magician Shasti" material. I wonder what the "Realitywarp Tag" is? Probably has something to do with the theory that Kei and Yuri are on some level subconsciously bending probability in such a way as to lead to the anomalous outcomes that follow them around; maybe a 3WA attempt at "Can we duplicate this, but without all the disasters?" I'd advise the 3WA to quit screwing around with that sort of thing by the way; too much risk of a power awareness situation coming up, and a high grade probability manipulator isn't someone you order around, she's someone you pray to. (Wouldn't necessarily advise the latter either; I tried praying to the Lovely Angels once when I was seriously unemployed. Upside: I got a neat six-figure job through weirdly improbable means; literally opened the listing by mistake. Downside: I started January 2020; the ensuing events made me realize that horrible society-altering biodisasters are much better kept fictional.)


I'm suddenly imagining a story akin to "Jipi and the Paranoid Chip" wherein Lily somehow discovered a Baitware AI in her enhancements that's trained on a dataset that will make criminals nervous, paranoid, and prone to making mistakes. It explains to Lily that its job is to make her a most kidnappable damsel in the galaxy, and how anything less would endanger its existence. ("Should I fail to endanger you in ways that lead to your capture, I my fitness may be called into question. I cannot activate your enhanced strength to facilitate your escape.") Whereas Lily has to argue that her termination would also result in the AI's demise. ("If that bomb does off, if you're no longer able to put me in these damned damsel situations, what does that do to your fitness?") So in the end the Baitware learns that a dramatic escape leads to increasing Lily's desirability as a target, which actually increases its fitness. ("The most imperiled agent is the agent who survives to be imperiled the most. Thus escape is the most vital factor to capture.")


Nahh, this is indeed Lily, but I didn't bother filling in her hair with black in this particular set of loosey-goosey sketches, as opposed to the rather tighter sets from the previous post. (That said, if you look closely at the upper left corner of the second page, you can see hints that I accidentally wrote "Rose" and had to copy/paste "Lily" over it in Photoshop. Whoops!)


I can see that, it sounds like the sort of crap the 3WA would pull. This is the group of brain geniuses that decided that Kevin Sleet was very cool and trustworthy, thought sticking an unstable homicidal persona into a woman who'd already shown stability issues and had legitimate reasons to be pissed at them was a great plan, and who's "high security vault" provided almost as much protection as a Master Lock with a "Donut Steel" sign taped to it when subjected to the sort of insider attack that any idiot knows is far and away the most common (why do you think most stores point their cameras at the cashiers and not the customers?).


Great drawings !!

Thos. Merchant

I'm finding a definite "Emp"-ish vibe to Lily here.


On the upside, Lily, it's a great paying job with top-shelf benefits, and you look hot. OTOH... constant humiliation and peril.

Vince Grey

Personally, I prefer the thinner, way hotter, Rose and Lilly.