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Following up on an earlier post, here are the results from the next round of competition in a set of "March Manga Madness" brackets I worked up back in 2018:

(BTW, the correct title of the #15 seed at lower right is To Your Eternity, of course. Whoops!)

A few words on the manga involved in the latest set of brackets:

*In retrospect, bit of a close call with Blade of the Immortal getting the W over Tetsuro Ueyama's Solevision Mitsuyoshi, as the latter probably had more influence on me as an artist and storyteller over the last 5 years or so.

OTOH, there was a time in the 2000s when Blade was my Very Favoritest Manga and was delivering unto me the Total Manga Experience of both great and art story, which I can't quite say about Mitsuyoshi (though, in fairness, I never read a translated version of the latter). Alas, my enthusiasm dropped off fair a bit when my favorite Blade character wound up getting raped and tortured for an entire g-d volume's length; somehow, the series was ever quite the same for me after that, gotta admit.

*Somewhat similar deal with Be Free! winning over Appleseed, as I was always considerably more engaged with the former's story and sprawling cast of characters than I was with Deunan & Bri & company, even though the latter's artistic & storytelling influence on my early professional years cannot be overstated.

Stay tuned for our next bracket update in a few days, okay? In addition to revealing The 2018 Winnah, I'll also rattle off a quick list of manga from the past four years that could've been included in the right side of the brackets.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: A mo' substantial, art-based post of some sort, I would expect!




I've never read Be Free! If it's good enough to take Akira down, I might have to check it out. (Though it'll have to wait a minute. I'm actually re-reading 20th Century Boys because of this tournament haha)