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Behold, a mixed-bag bunch of loose DiD sketch sets from a year or two ago, featuring some sporadically decent images of Y**i--I mean, Lily imperiled yet again whilst undercover in supposed "businesswear." I found the results rather boring overall (some of the poses being notably stiff and lifeless), so I recently tried to jazz the sets up with some highly speculative scribbled text further exploring "Rose & Lily lore."

A few additional words, mostly re: the additional words I added to the sketches:

Note that poor office-infiltrating Lily had previously been subdued with the same anesthetic-delivering facemask dealie in an earlier Distressed Damsel post that I have neither the time nor the interest to look up. (Sadly, that story's skintight "bizsuit" disguise lacked the garter belt & stockings seen with this outfit.)

This might have been addressed in earlier Rose & Lily posts, but the idea here is that the poor girls are incredibly effective "distress bait," to the point of inducing debilitating paranoia in suspects who disastrously expose their operations by being compelled to take them captive. (Not the ideal mode of criminal investigation, obvsly, but apparently effective.)

I hadn't picked up on this until recently, but Imperiled Office Lily is clearly A Thing, as it were, given that I've done at least four or five DiD commissioned sketch sets featuring Businesswear Lily (including a wholly forgotten set that the kind commissioner just emailed back to me) and nary a one featuring Rose. (Hence the "Lily's specialty" above.)

After this random annotation binge, I've begun speculating further about exactly how & why poor Rose & Lily wound up even more distress-prone than K*i & Y**i are disaster-prone, so you can probably expect more goofy text additions in future R&L sketch sets. Yay?

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Either a 2018 brackets update or a more substantial art post, I suspect.




Man, another example of your blatant plot and backstory fetish. You know, Lily's getup isn't actually that unrealistic in my experience. My first office job had quite a few ladies who regularly wore microskirts; blessings of startups that don't believe in dress codes. We didn't have any Lilies that I remember, but we did have "Kai", the ex-Maxim model (not to be confused with the other two ex-Maxim models there)/champion motorcycle racer/black belt in more than one martial art who looked like the hypothetical daughter of Yuri and Sistah Spooky, had been brought in as a temp before immediately being hired as the CFO's personal executive assistant despite vague credentials, and gave the vibe of always knowing way more than she was letting on. I wonder sometimes...


I find the business-peril quite hawt myself.


If memory serves K&Y usually end up in "disaster prone" situations because the criminals they pursue are pretty blatantly psychotic with no regard for the consequences of wanton destruction. K&Y get blamed because their attempts to complete their mission triggers the criminal they're after. Following that logic, R&L may end up in "distress prone" situations due to their criminal prey being sociopathic but not violently so. If you're a rampant weather control satellite with a god complex you're not too far from enacting apocalyptic plagues anyway. If you're a slightly more-alpha-male-than-alpha tech-bro using embedded malware in a client-facing UI to harvest crypto coins then you'd probably be more inclined toward tying (and feeling) up the hawt office lady who stumbled on to you plan, as opposed to having "cop killa" added to your rap sheet.


Which really does make me wonder what Rose gets up to while Lily is undercover in the office. I have this image of her intercepting all the company's Doordash orders so she can slip in, do recon, and not get noticed because she's delivering food. Which would imply at some point she's no doubt been lured into a trap via sandwich order and ended up gagged with a sub roll. ... Why did that image come to mind?


I really like the sense of motion in the office chair pose. Thanks for sharing these!


These are fun, I like the additional text.


This is actually pretty funny. I think I'll enjoy the goofy text additions.