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Despite a false alarm with a previous post, this page is prrrrrobably the last new major piece of artwork for Empowered vol. 12. I was originally planning to do the title page above as strictly a Photoshop font-based "graphic" dealie, but decided instead to do a hand-lettered version integrated with additional artwork.

Hope you'll pardon the flawed Empowered logo that I slapped into place as a mock-up, as it lacks the "pointy bits" on the letters M and W; the final, correctly pointy version will be added in Production, I can assure you.

Patrons have probably seen most of these images before in earlier Empowered vol. 12 previews, but I think at least two or three of 'em might be New to You. Yay?

For the record, Empowered and the Never-Ending Reboot was originally the title of a wildly, indeed ridiculously over-ambitious miniseries I worked up as a potential Guest Artist project; needless to say, this effort came to naught, though I might someday show you a few Guest Artist illos worked up for this sadly but understandably defunct proposal.

I wound up cannibalizing most (though not all!) of Never-Ending Reboot's storyline for a new vision of Empowered vol. 12, but left out a rather key element or two.  Someday, well after the volume is published, I'll post the original miniseries proposal here so you can check out the differences, okay?

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: I actually know what's up next as I scheduled the post last week, but I'm not going to tell you, stinker that I am! "Mwa ha ha ha," as the saying goes.




Cowgirl 'Jette? I mean, yes, please! :-D


Can't wait! Excited to see your Never-Ending ideas for Emp!


FWIW, that tragically short-lived look is from the "zombie horror" sequence that I believe I posted here a few months back. (Maybe?)


Looks like an action-packed book !!! I hope you'll be taking commissions or something whenever you're waiting on others in the production. Or maybe you'll just be taking a well deserved breather.


Good stuff, really looking forward to reading this!


Fair enough, but it's also too late. Cowgirl 'Jette and School Ma'rm Powers are already encoded and compiling in my wetware where soon they'll be run as simulations in a rather cartoonish parody of a western adventure.

Dean Reilly

Do you have any information about a possible release date? Even as little as 'sometime this year, probably'?


This is giving me flashbacks to the 90s, and the endless parade of "X-Men #1" that came out. "But this one has the gold foil!"


Don't remember the bottom right of Emp, the dude in the top right looks new, and I'm not sure about the deathmonger, but I think it might be new too

The Silver Socialist

DC was pulling that shit with ALL of their major franchises not that long ago. Thankfully we're up to two continuities without resetting the issue numbers.