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Following up on an earlier post, here are more pages from a commissioned Dirty Pair comic story in proto-Empowered format, created back in 2003 during a time when I assumed that I wouldn't be drawing comics professionally any more, due to my disenchantment with struggling through conventionally penciled and inked comic pages.

In retrospect, I clearly still wanted to draw as well as write comics at this time, but not via the slow, grinding, miserably tedious work process I had largely abandoned; only a year or two later, I would belatedly figure out that I could, in fact, publish comics in this pencil-based "tight layouts" format, and Empowered would result.

So this final, quite lengthy damsel-in-distress commission wound up being this close to a real Dirty Pair story, as it included many more of the "techy" elements from my actual DP continuity than most of these DiD pieces, yet still featured the rather unlikely situations, heightened cheesecake levels, and distinct costuming—that is, the high-heeled boots—of a damsel-y DP scenario or simulation.

However, this story also wound up being weirdly gritty and distinctly unpleasant, as poor Kei and Y—nay, Rose & Lily—not only start out the comic having had their butts kicked in a failed mission pitting them against a bunch of nameless, geared-up "Troops," but spend the rest of the pages struggling desperately against these frequently cruel if not outright sadistic goons. 

A few words:

A cartoonishly exaggerated Lily image (with Ranma 1/2 "big head" figure proportions) in panel 2, but still oddly cute (IMHO).

UPDATE: Is it just me, or does "Lily and Rose" work better than the "Rose & Lily" order I've been using? Hrmmm. (I only used the latter because I almost always use the "Kei & Y**i" order for some unknown reason.)

The Troop dialogue in panel 3 annoyed me a tad, so I cut it out. And cue more sketchiness as poor Lily gets multiply tranqed in a "maximized cheesecake" image; not something I'd have done in a "real" DP story intended for publication, I can tell you.

More dialogue that annoyed me in panels 3 & 4, so I deleted that too; nothing all that bad by this often skeevy story's standards, but what the hell.

Another shocking reversal in panel 2, as offscreen Kei--nay, Rose blazes into action at last against her captors. In our next installment, a very bad day for the Troops ensues!

A friend of mine who is (or perhaps was, given the pandemic; haven't talked to her since before March 2020) active in the ol' BDSM community mentioned, after seeing this page, that the form of hogtie inflicted on Lily is a very, very bad idea. Yeahp, that's definitely true; to quote the cavalcade of proto-reality TV That's Incredible! from my 70s childhood, "Don't try this at home!" (Also, try to avoid tossing a "stun grenade" directly into someone's face if possible.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: The full workweek of daily posts rolls on! BTW, holy crap is posting 5 days a week one helluva time-consuming grind; I can hardly believe that I pulled off such a feat for such an extended period of time during this Patreon's earlier days. 




Rose & Lily seems to flow best for me, since it mirrors the 'Kei & Yuri' as a reminder. Plenty of v nice booty going on here. Pity the Pseudo-Angels don't have their cyberware set to automatically block flashbang effects. Tsk. Next firmware update! That 'hogtie with the neck rope' is a BDSM no-no, yeah. Looks very hot and very Emp-like, though.


Yeah, don't try any of this at home. These troops are trained professionals and they're still having a hell of a fight; any of you jabronies that think you could take on even the Discount Pair are Time Cube level delusional. Also, the people I know who have to tranq and restrain people for a living aim their drugs at the neck, not the badonkadonk, and dosing's a lot touchier IRL without futuretech drugs. Finally, abducting people generally risks irritating legal and personal problems; the one guy I know adjacent to the rendition business can't enter the European Union anymore and gets a lot of shit online.


That first panel on the last page is something special for sure, but the whole thing is really well done.