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Behold, more scans of photocopies from my somewhat dwindling supply of early-2000s commissions. A few words:

Not that I was shooting for resemblances, but that sorta looks like Ed Norton if you squint your eyes a lot; I made no such effort on Brad Pitt, though. (That cartoonishly stylized bod on Norton kinda works, gotta say.)

Notable flaw of my older style when it skewed more cartoony was that some visual elements would not hold up well in tight close-ups, such as the wonkily stylized Bowie glove at lower left. Shoulda referenced that, if possible; whoops! (Then again, reference wasn't quite as easy to pull up on your phone or tablet on a moment's notice twenty years ago, was it?)

I gather she's from some later Tenchi Muyo series I never saw, as I pulled the plug on that franchise back during an early episode of Tenchi in Tokyo when I realized that the creators had once again chosen to rework the g-d origin of the cast, which somehow wound up being the last g-d straw for me, Tenchi-wise. (Franchise had more g-d reboots than Empowered vol. 12, which is saying something.)

On Kei, behold the earliest, crudest days of Minimal Nasal Indication combining with Extra-Big, Extra-Pouty Lips to unfortunate effect. (Y**i's face worked out better, though.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure, TBH, but as I'm posting five days per week to finish out this last full week of February, something will be going up tomorrow (barring further interruptions by my infuriatingly crappy DSL, of course).




FWIW, according to Google, Nagi's from Tenchi Universe, which predates Tenchi in Tokyo.


Those are some seriously big lips on Kei, yep. I'm trying to come up with a circumstance where GL would be creating a ring-copy pair of Lovely Angels to fight them or something, but that's a real weird setup. Digging Yuri's outfit, though.


Maybe some DC-verse weirdness to do with the sadly-unrealized Dirty Pair-Superman crossover? Maybe he's just horny?


Love the variety in this set. Lots of fun from that vintage, early-00s style here! The Fight Club piece especially stands out as something evocative of where the style would go in the future along with being a cool shot!

Lex of Excel

Sorry to hear that about your Tenchi experience. The whole shrub of different continuities is frustrating, I agree. Nice job on these, though!