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Behold, the partial Work Stages on a videogame-based illo that I drew and Ryan Kinnaird colored back in 2004 for the Playstation magazine PSM's summer swimsuit feature; ah, to imagine that such a concept was still possible within living memory!

Anyhoo, the swimsuitee in question is from the game Starcraft: Ghost, which may never have actually been released; dunno, TBH, and don't care to look it up.

UPDATE: Tacked on a side-by-side collage of the stages which I worked up for flogging this post on Twitter. Yay?

Spotted the roughs & color guides for this piece lurking in an old folder, though I couldn't find the inks or Ryan's colors (at first); the latter two stages must've been lost in some bygone hard drive migration. In fact, I had to go find the colored version on my old deviantART account and download it! (Good thing I never deleted that account.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Kind Patrons of the $3+ tiers, stand by for Failed-Project Friday's conclusion of the pitch document for a defunct Empowered cyberpunk SF one-shot! (Er, assuming I can get that post wrapped up on time.)




Just checked; Starcraft: Ghost was indeed never released; resources got diverted to WoW and Starcraft II and newer consoles came out. The backstory came out in a novel, the main character got recycled for a couple Starcraft II expansion pack missions, and the unfinished prototype game got leaked in 2020. Funny thing is, that main character was a blond from what I can tell, so not sure if this is a different character or if something else happened?


That lower left frame is working on me for sure. Great art.