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Fresh off the scanner and following up on a previous post, here are more pages from the upcoming Empowered vol.12 sequence that I've informally dubbed "the Sacrificial (Not Quite) Virgins" scene!

When you see the published volume next year, you'll notice that I skipped over several very important pages in this sequence, for reasons that will become obvious; I censored the dialogue on the first two pages for similar SPOILER-related reasons.

UPDATE: Tacked on a finished/rough side-by-side excerpt I worked up for promoting this post on Twitter.

Note that panel 2 from the 2nd page of the excerpt...

...features a Ninjette pose referencing one of Boris Vallejo's Gor cover paintings....

...which is as close as I could get to doing some actual g-d life drawing this month. Yay! 

Note also that the aquatic beastie that Emp & Ninjette are being sacrificed to...

...is a bit of a melange of the Gill-Man from The Creature of the Black Lagoon, the Kraken from Harryhausen's Clash of The Titans, and my own design riffs, as I think it resembles one or more critters from one of my old Exalted RPG cover illos.

NEXT TIME ON DISTRESSED DAMSELS: Next week, I'll post the last pages from that early-2000s linen-finish-cardstock story of poor Rose and Lily's struggles.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: For your Christmas Eve enjoyment, you'll see the complete Work Stages on the main illustration from that 2005 "Santa's Stealth Elf" videogame-magazine gig.




Freaking awesome, thanks for sharing!


You know, those censor boxes make it look like Emp and Ninjette are imitating Oyuki-chan.


I like the paneling


Can't wait to see how a lot of these emotional beats play out in V12. After the heated action of V10 and V11, it feels like there's a lot of meat that is ready for enjoying and paying off in V12 -- hopefully taking our characters to some interesting new places.


Beautiful work!


The body differences really show up here between the two girls. I can't ever get over the detail you put into your work.