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Behold, the opening page from the upcoming Empowered vol.12 sequence I've informally dubbed "the Sacrificial (Not Quite) Virgins" scene!

UPDATE: As seen at the end of the image gallery above, I just tacked on a side-by-side excerpt image I worked up for promoting this post on Twitter.

Readers miiiiight have been able to guess the true point of the scene if I left Emp's word balloon uncensored (though I kinda doubt it), hence the black block, which will not appear in the published comic.

Note also the pseudo-Lovecraftian Deep-Ones-ish cultists, which marks yet another appearance of "fish people" in this series; perhaps they're the Empverse equivalent of the DCU's seemingly endless stream of ape-based riffs?

Enjoy the exceedingly rare appearance of a thong in my costume designs, folks! (The only other occurrence I can think of would be Kei's swimsuit from 1989's Dirty Pair: Dangerous Acquaintances, which was at least thong-adjacent.)

I nailed most of the page's graphic elements in the initial rough...

...save for Ninjette's feet and legs, which bugged the crap outta me. After a bunch of variant roughs (as seen in the image gallery above), I wound up with this pose:

...which is undeniably quite rigid and stiff, but (IMHO) works in the scene's context of "sacrificial victim."

Anyhoo, back to work on the scene's next page! Note that, early last week, I was briefly ahead of schedule for December after wrapping up Empowered vol.12's "zombie horror with Fetchingly Bepantsed Emp" scene (for which the Bigger Spenders of the $10 & $20 tiers saw an exhaustive Work Stages preview at the end of last month); however, multiple days of work on this opening, full-bleed page for the next scene immediately threw me back behind schedule for the month. Ouch!

NEXT TIME ON DISTRESSED DAMSELS, I'll likely be posting the last pages from that early-2000s linen-finish-cardstock story of poor Rose and Lily's struggles.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not quite sure, at the moment! Could be Life Drawings, or more illos from the Santa's Stealth Elf (or, better, "Stelf") gig, or mebbe more of Unnamed Robot Comic.



Ross Fisher-Davis

Ninjette is getting in shape and I am very much appreciating it!


More distress than usual. I'm worried for them


I would like this 1000 times if I could.


A cult of mutant fish-men are about to sacrifice you on an altar, and Emp is still focused on 'did I make Kozue cry?!'. Oh, Emp...


don't think we've ever seen Emp in a thong before


I mean, there's a perfectly good reason for you to be using Lovecraftian fish people; given that you're located in deepest rural New England, you can probably find life models to use as reference without much trouble.


While I now abide in landlocked Northern NE, in the 90s I lived for a few years in a coastal Rhode Island town, which turned out to be perhaps disappointingly non-Lovecraftian. (No Deep Ones, but plenty of tourists.)


Are Deep Ones strictly a saltwater phenomenon, or are there Moderately Deep Ones that might be found in a lake in your neck of the woods? I guess you might just have to go Bigfoot hunting instead. Yeah, I hear you on the tourists; my house is a tourist attraction (not on my account), so they're always in the way whenever I want to wander off and grab lunch or something.