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Behold a comic-format oddity from the year 2000 or so, folks, as I recently unearthed what is probably a "dual-purpose" or "double-dipping" commissioned comic featuring Dirty Pair's Kei and Y--nay, Rose & Lily once again bedamseled all too easily, presumably in a nonsensical sim of some sort.

The "dual purpose" bit, here, is that I was probably doing this short story in part as a test for drawing comics on the linen-finish cardstock that I had been using for my more pin-uppy con sketches throughout the 90s. I did wind up doing a few brief comic sequences via this medium in Dirty Pair and Gen13, but eventually soured on the technique and never revisited it at any great length.

The commission's narrative, such as it is, is once again based on the fairly infamous 70s Spider-Woman scene in which the superstrong heroine was rather inexplicably lassoed and carried off by the nonpowered but aggressively hooded villain Hangman. In fact, this iteration's much more closely based on the Marvel scene than most previous commissioned iterations, in that the blithering bad guy also wears a hood and rattles off quite similar dialogue. 

Poor Lily is sporting the "hot pants, garter belts & opera gloves" costume that I worked up for the DP whilst cranking out an s-load of commissions; I'd link to previous posts with said outfits, but have already burned 45 g-d minutes on this post, so you're on your own on that front.

Note that you don't see Not the Hangman guy because, hey, I was presumably getting paid for cheesecake, not drawing fellas. (Though you do later see him with the hood off, come to think of it.)

Ah, but with the third page, undeniable sketchiness and/or skeeviness ahoy:

(*cue John Goodman in Lebowski voice*) Say what you will about Spider-Woman's Hangman, but at least he wasn't blatantly drooling over the distressed damsel. (This apparent sim being PG-rated, poor Lily's in no great danger, but this is still a fair bit creepier than most of my DiD commissions tended to get.)

Bonus DiD content: Whilst unearthing these 2000-era pages, found a rough sketch from a later Rose commission; looks like it was intended to continue that "Rose vs. the Warlord of the Ecliptic" story previously posted here:

Anyhoo, that's all I got for you, folks, after blowing an entire g-d hour out of my precious, all-important morning shift on this post. Ouch! Back to work on Empowered vol. 12 on the double!

NEXT TIME ON ROSE & LILY: Could Rose come to her partner's rescue? This scenario presumably being a DiD simulation of some sort, a comedy of errors and peril soon follows. Stand by, folks, for the highest panel count ever seen in a DiD commission!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not quite sure, TBH! (The Exclusive Monthly Bonus Post for the $10 & $20 Patron tiers is underway, but probably won't be going up until early next week.)



A Patreon of the Ahts

I respect your work ethic. I know of a very good artist who never finishes anything... :-( Also, is this guy a pilot project for Le Chivalier Blanc from volume 10?


Great posing and views re: Lily vs Hangman !!


Oh cool! You polled about this story a while back so I've been looking forward to it for a while! Love the poses in the second page


I mean, "Lily" looks beautiful and sexy, great poses all of them, but that floor on the last panel? Damn! So shiny.

Greg (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-29 19:43:36 This is Total & Complete AWESOMENESS!!!
2021-11-29 00:31:41 This is Total & Complete AWESOMENESS!!!

This is Total & Complete AWESOMENESS!!!