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Wellp, back to plowing through the remaining pieces in my old CON SKETCHES folder. With these three, we're hitting up the illos listed under the letter G. (False alarm last Friday, when I said we were moving on to the letter E; heck, I didn't even have any F-based entries in the folder, either!)

A few words:

A photref-based Gen13 commission, as you can tell by the relatively interesting shadow patterns. (Disappointment with my uninspired approach to shadow rendering was one of the main reasons I took up life drawing in 2016-18.)

A not-so-vintage con sketch from 2016, based on an only so-so smartphone pic. Wheeeee!

A 2004 con sketch drawn during the summer I was finishing up work on the miniseries Livewires for Marvel. Probably photoreffed (though I'm not 100% sure about that) from one of the copies of Gothic & Lolita Bible I bought for reference on the Livewires character Gothic Lolita, aka the mecha team's "Ben Grimm in black lace."

Next time around on Vintage Con Sketches, we move on to the letter H!

NEXT MONDAY ON THIS HERE PATREON: Yet another double dose of life drawings (and high-res Photoshop scans) from 2017 & 2018, as usual!



Ross Fisher-Davis

Your life drawing practices have so clearly improved the appearence and 'sculpt' of bodies and anatomy in your work. It's amazing to see the change over the years.

Jack Hallows

that goth has me haha


Gen 13 was amazing back in the day.