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Wellp, back to plowing through the remaining pieces in my old CON SKETCHES folder. With these three, we're finishing off the last illos listed under the letter D.

A few words:

Pretty solid 2002 piece based on the heroine from Deity, an image comic from the late 90s created by Karl Altstaetter and Robert Upton. A rare early example of working from photoreference (life drawing ahoy!), as I based the sketch on a neat photo of a Japanese talento of some sort.

Thought for sure that I could find a dinosaur that would work with Dejah Thoris' family name, but "therizinosaurus" was the best I could find for this 2011 piece. The critter worked well with my linen-finish rendering, in any event.

And another Dejah Thoris piece closes out the CON SKETCH folder's Ds. This was yet another "damsel in distress" commission, one that I probably already posted here on some "DiD Wednesday" months and months ago. So-so piece, but the high-contrast, Sharpie-inked rendering worked out kinda neat. (Pity about Dejah's truncatedly petite feet, though, which was a largely unplanned stylistic riff that was still appearing in my work as of 2012.)

Next time around on Vintage Con Sketches, we move on to the letter E!

NEXT MONDAY ON THIS HERE PATREON: Yet another double dose of life drawings (and high-res Photoshop scans) from 2017 & 2018, as usual!




Those were 3 really lucky commissioners !! Wow !!!

A Patreon of the Ahts

I remember the difference between the DT of the original novels - constantly needing rescuing - and the modern comics - all intrepid and beating guys up...


These are all delightful -- so many neat outfit details in all three of them!