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With this week's post, we're continuing serialization of a 2003-ish commissioned DiD story featuring my iteration of Dirty Pair's Yuri that I've actually considered redoing as an Empowered episode, for reasons that will eventually become obvious.  

You can check out the previous installment of this goofy narrative here.

(Perhaps I should point out that Yuri is canonically 19 years old, and definitely looks so in my version of the character, in response to the warning that's popped up again onscreen as I prep this post: "Patreon doesn't allow the featuring of seemingly underage characters in the context of adult content." Not sure if everyone's getting this warning, or just manga/anime-influenced artists...)

Howeva, a few words about the genesis of this story, starting out with the random con sketches that inspired it, starting below:

I can't recall if the commissioner from this 2000-ish con sketch above actually requested notoriously goofy Marvel supervillain Paste-Pot Pete (later renamed "the Trapster," disappointingly enough) victimizing the "hot pants & garter belts" version of Kei and Yuri, or if I decided to inflict ol' Pete on an unsuspecting fellow who just wanted a DP DiD piece.

Ah, yes, I'd forgotten the riff that the "smartcloth" of DP's hot pants featured warning messages, however useless those messages might be. 

Anyhoo, another longtime regular patron (though not yet a capitalized Patron) was amused by these sketches, and circa 2003 asked for a longer-form Paste-Pot Pete encounter of some sort. And lo, thus did the longest of all these commissioned, proto-Empowered comics begin— and even more amazing, this wound up being the only such narrative with a definitive conclusion. No, really!

Anyhoo, next week the story rolls onward, perhaps even with a hint of... romance?

TOMORROW ON THIS HERE PATREON:  I'm continuing serialization of the Twitter-format prose experiment I Am Empowered, which tells tales of Emp's Year One-ish earliest adventures from her first-person POV.



John Staton

When I look at the gallant rescuer, who so expertly handles a bound damsel, my first thought is , "Thug-Boy 1.0".

John Staton

Also, I LOVE the anti-restraint-goop solvent. Once again, you prove yourself an innovator in the field of speculative bondage gear.


Yuri looks like she's about to have a _good_ time.