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A few weeks ago, worked on a few more pages from the otherwise stalled-out Empowered vol.12, as seen above, before other matters drew my attention.  A few words about the work stages:

Whoops, didn't notice the lettering glitch in the word "WORLD'S" in Spooky's first word balloon. Will fix that later.

What is the catch, you might ask? You might have to wait until the years-off release of vol.12 to find out, I'm afraid.

Next up is a scan of the transparent vellum overlay in place for the big cat's whiskers, the line art for which was inverted and inserted atop the main page's artwork in Photoshop:

Below is the rough for the first page, a rare one that featured all of the page's elements drawn on a single sheet of paper:

The page after that started with dialogue (including synonyms harvested from a thesaurus app) and no panels, but a few loose sketches of the distressed-Emp situations Spooky was discussing: 

The rest of the page's roughs were sketched in the familiar "one or two panels per sheet of paper" format, so I could draw outside the panel borders as necessary to construct figures or faces:

Finally, behold the very, very simple effect I tried to indicate the multiverses, by sketching 'em with a Sharpie in a matter of minutes as seen in this early test...

...then inverting the art to white-on-black in Photoshop:

What is positively infuriating is that those dashed-off, preliminary test sketches look much better that the carefully drawn ones I laboriously rendered on the final pages. (Oh, well.)

I should say that this particular Empowered vol. 12 scene is stalled out because it's a Very Significant Conversation that rolls onward for at least another 10-15 pages, and I find that I just can't muster any enthusiasm for drawing such a lengthy convo right now. Worse, I can't really skip back to a story earlier in the volume because a number of Very Significant Conversations lurk back there, too, and I don't feel like drawing those, either. 

I'd skip to the fairly extensive sex scenes but those are gonna be a g-d nightmare to handle, as the finicky, frankly crappy paper I draw regular Empowered pages on is extraordinarily unfriendly to the mid-range shading I'd like to use for those sequences. (As opposed to the very different paper stock I used for my 2016-2018 life drawings.) In fact, the paper used for Empowered is good for only one thing—rendering the darkest values of Emp's supersuit while being easy on my ailing drawing hand, unlike almost all other types of paper. (Or was that two things?)  

So, yeah, dunno what the heck I'm gonna do with vol.12, folks. I'm considering a serious time jump skipping ahead to the nice, juicy action scenes I'd love to be drawing, followed by attempts at loosely, tangentially addressing the Very Significant Conversations and Milestones we just jumped over... maybe.

MONDAY ON THIS HERE PATREON: Life drawings ahoy, as usual!




Sorry it's giving you trouble. But thank you for the glimpse. I live for these great character moments. :)


Sorry you are feeling stalled out. That is a sucky place to be.

Jack Hallows

thank you for your hard work, and this is amazing detail.


We support you in the these trying times of issues,problems and roadblocks in this creative world the we all gravitate to...You got this AW!


As a guy who writes super WAFFy fanfic in his off-time, I can completely empathize with the annoying dilemma of having a scene you _have_ to get through blocking you for weeks or months from getting to the juicy scenes you have fully visualized and want to get to later. And you should really put some of these sketch pages and such stuff up on eBay because that stuff would go like hotcakes.

Brandon Graham

Especially excellent pages. I imagine if Empowered wasn't so much work to make it wouldn't be as impressive to read.

Stuart Little

I'm particularly liking the shading here.


God-DAMNIT Spooky, you're shipping in shame from OTHER DIMENSIONS too??!!!! Just how much damn juice did you PUT in that stupid spell???!!!


Sorry to hear that this scene is burning you out, but for what it's worth it looks and reads great so far!