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Wellp, the daily post for Friday's comin' up soon, and I haven't yet decided what it should be. So, thought I'd throw the floor open to you fine folks and check in on what you might like to see!

The first option is to keep the ball rollin' with more roughs and script from the unpublished miniseries Empowered and the Giant-Size Issues, the first installment of which was posted on Tuesday. The rest of the options are pretty much self-explanatory; if any other category or theoretical type of post appeals to you, feel free to mention it in the comments below!


TF Commando

Lots of great choices, but I’m curious about the fantasy book, since you do mainly sci-fi and superheroes.


Seconded. I'd like to see more Emp, but that can wait with a more unusual fantasy offering on the block.

Joshua Wolfe

Poor Cliffhanger. I really loved Danger Girl.