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It's been a few months since I wrapped up serialization of my thumbnails for the six-issue miniseries Empowered and Sistah Spooky's High School Hell, and I've been thinking that I should start posting my initial roughs for another Empowered project as a biweekly or monthly feature. 

This time around, I have a slightly different approach in mind re: posting the thumbnails. I was thinking of alternating each page rough with its accompanying portion of the script, featuring panel descriptions and final dialogue for said page. I'd probably post 4-5 pages out of each issue with each post, lest each installment grow too off-putting and cumbersome.

The options below that I'd like you folks to choose from will mostly seem familiar (save for one) to Empowered readers, as they're all Emp one-shots or miniseries that have been published from 2010 through 2018. 

However, one choice is very different, and that's Empowered and the Giant-Size Issues, a never-published project originally intended for a Very Special Guest Artist. I wound up ditching this fully scripted and thumbnailed miniseries mainly for practical reasons, as its two-issue, 60-page(!) format was less than ideal from a perspective of "getting the artist paid a reasonable pagerate." (More on this matter later, if/when I end up serializing the project.)

Ah, but another reason that I gave up on Empowered and the Giant-Size Issues was that the mini was largely based on material from the Twitter-format, YEAR ONE-ish prose experiment I Am Empowered, and I found that project's relentlessly downbeat depiction of Hyper-Insecure, Self-Doubting Emp to be increasingly at odds with the more confident and self-accepting Emp from the later volumes of the Empowered graphic novels.

Anyhoo, lemme know which Empowered option you'd prefer to see serialized with roughs and script excerpts—or, for that matter, if you don't wanna see any of 'em serialized, as I can tell you that the Empowered and Sistah Spooky's High School Hell thumbnails were pretty consistently among the least-liked post formats on this here Patreon.



I vote Animal Style, if for no other reason than to see your notes on those cool cars.

Otaku Twenty-Four Seven

I'm voting for them all, but with a preference for the first two because even though I already have Empowered Unchained I really enjoy you describing your process, and would like to start with unseen stuff, for my vote anyway. Will you be doing any more from unchained, such as Million sighs, or hell bent heaven sent (always love your collabs with Ryan)


Seconded. Unpublished stories would be the first thing I'd want to see. While neurotic and depressed Year One Emp wouldn't really jibe with what we see of her now, maybe a 'modern set' framing story as she tells the story to Thugboy and Ninjette for contrast could salvage it? You know stories of those unhappy early days would have to be something she'd have told them about at some point, possibly for reassurance cuddles when she's feeling bad about the memories.


Well, I'll get around to serializing that one's roughs eventually, never fear.


I'll eventually serialize more one-shots from UNCHAINED in this manner, but not MILLION SIGHS, as I drew that one myself and there aren't any available roughs for it.


Seeing all this stuff is gold, hopefully seeing 0 votes (currently) to ditch it is encouragement. Maybe people got so wrapped up in reading they forgot to hit like 😅. Seeing the script + thumbs would be awesome + the finished page (for the stuff that got finished). Is there any point where you'd share some behind the scenes stuff for the main Empowered graphic novels?


So many fun options here. Looking forward to seeing what this all turns up!


Whoops, looks like SOMEBODY had to vote "Don't bother" after all! Only problem with sharing "behind the scenes" stuff on the main EMP GNs is, well, that stuff doesn't really exist; I use a lot fewer work stages when I'm drawing the books myself. I could scan and post more of my story notes, though, which I haven't done here in quite a few months.


Fair enough, I guess your process is pretty internalised after all these years! The Giant Size project is already really great! Apologies for jynxing the poll XD