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Behold, some recent pages from Empowered vol.12, taking place well after the damsel-in-distress flashback scene I serialized here earlier. The actual point of those previous pages (besides delivering the book's mandatory DiD content, that is) was that the bad guys  couldn't explain why the hell they were distressing Emp so thoroughly; now, in the present-day scene that follows, Emp and Spooky are about to have a Very Significant Conversation about why this odd phenomenon might be happening to her.

Anyhoo, enjoy the finished pages and the roughs that preceded 'em. Note, in both pages, that I'm rather clumsily using white-out (in Emp's hair, and indicating grass in the shadows of those fallen branches) to simulate the white-line FX I could easily apply if I were working digitally. Wellp, someday I hope to be able to produce finished pages entirely in digital format; ain't happening anytime soon, I'm a-fearin'.

UPDATE RE: POSSIBLE POWER AND PATREON OUTAGE: As I write this on Monday morning, my area's getting hit with an ice storm, and the power's already flickered on and off a few times. In the event of a sustained power outage of more than a day or two, your Patreon service may be disrupted; my apologies in advance. (About a decade or so ago, New England got hammered by a serious ice storm, and we lost power for ten frickin' days; I doubt this current storm will be in that league.)  

UPDATE RE: THE $20 TIER: Just now realized, as I was editing an earlier Emp v.12 post due to the linked tag above, that the recently created $20 Patron tier features a maddening error: As the $20 level didn't exist when I was posting older, tier-specific posts, many such posts aren't accessible by these Biggest of Big Spenders. Dagnabbit! (Many or most of you upgraded from $10 accounts, so you might not have noticed this issue unless you tried to go back to earlier posts.)  

So, I'll be jumping back through all of 2019's posts this week and editing 'em to make sure they're properly accessible, okay? (Not that big an inconvenience, really, as I needed to go back and delete a bunch of old art-request solicitations to clean up and streamline the feed.) 

TOMORROW: The Patrons have spoken (through a recent poll question), so Wednesday's Distressed Damsels post will feature the first installment of a commissioned short story featuring familiar lasses undercover as fantasy-milieu serving wenches. Trouble, needless to say, ensues.




Stay warm. Always interesting to see just how rough the initial storyboard frames are, then become the polished figures we know.


Thanks, Adam! I can't describe how much I enjoy seeing the rough sketches and the work that goes into making the final version. Hope you stay safe thru the ice storm.


Wellp, I thankfully didn't lose power during the storm, but my g-d car did wind up coated with a sheet of ice I'm having severe difficulty scraping off. Whoops!


Those are some really nice composing panels there, setting up a neat splash image. Can see this going so many potentially interesting ways!

Lex of Excel

A very significant conversation that Spooky might have wanted to have back in Volume 8... Have a good new year, sir! Raising a glass to you and your future projects!


You know, this reminds me of a statement you made once when discussing Meta Emp to the effect that it was a very good thing that regular ol’ non-meta Emp lacked meta knowledge. I figure that applies pretty strongly here, because no matter how badly the truth bomb Emp’s about to get dropped on her hurts, I bet it still feels better than the alternative of “You keep getting distressed by bad guys because you and the entire universe you exist in were created specifically to put you in DiD situations as often as possible in order to entertain/arouse a bunch of doofuses from a temporally-asynchronous alternaverse, and if you ever stop getting bound’n’gagged, it’s quite likely a sign that reality as you know it is about to halt and catch fire. Roll for SAN loss.” In a lighter note, I thought for a second that the Super Boba logo on the cup from panel 2 of the first page was supposed to be a tattoo on Sistah Spooky’s sweaty arm, and figured that she must be just be an absurdly big fan of bubble tea.


Super Boba.... I feel like that is a missed marketing idea.


That panel with the cat's eye is just AMAZING!