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Part one of this commissioned DiD story can be seen here.

Whoops! I really thought there were at least a few more pages to this story fragment, but danged if I can find 'em; these first three images were all I could dig up on short notice. On the other hand, they do feature a bit of nudity (which I have to admit I'd entirely forgotten about), so maybe that makes up for the briefness of the comic? Anyhoo, I tacked on a bonus, wholly unrelated Dejah Thoris con sketch to round out this week's DiD post.

For the record, many of the stories I'll be posing here are quite a bit longer, with the "Yuri vs. Glue Gun Guy" one, for example, rolling on well into the 28-page range. (Yikes!)

And now, some notes, as Shasti literally—as in, literally literally—comes out out of the closet:

In a real Dirty Pair story, I would've put at least some effort into designing their dorm room. Luckily, this wasn't such a story!

No idea whatsoever as to what sport Kei's #18 jersey might be connected to, alas. 

Note that 2003 was an era of big lips and big racks when I was drawing the Lovely Angels; these tendencies will be noticeable as well when I serialize the "real" (if unpublished) 48-page story Dirty Pair: Quick and Dirty on this here Patreon.

Classic case of "cut-off figure" on that last Kei image; that foot doesn't connect with her leg because I drew the figure already cut off by the border, rather than drawing it intact on a separate sheet of paper. Then again, I can tell that I cranked out this page very, very quickly, so indulging in such time-consuming niceties was unlikely indeed.

The "hot cross-bun" riff of Kei's nipples is very likely a reference to the work of Satoshi Urashihara, the so-called "Master of Breasts."

In panel 2, I believe the, ah, indentations in Yuri's flesh around the seams of her underpants was a direct reference to a certain famously soft and fleshy Japanese gravure idol whose name escapes me;  the original commissioner was a big fan of hers in the early 2000s, so Iborrowed the riff from some of the idol's pics he sent along. 

Ah, the dreaded "brokeback pose" in panel 3! Don't think I did that much in Dirty Pair proper, but this wasn't a real story, so what the heck?

And thus "School of Shasti" wheezes to an abrupt and unceremonious ending, as most of the DiD story fragments will; once I hit a certain pagecount or ran outta available worktime, the pages cut off without warning. Shasti will continue to torment Kei and Yuri aplenty in future con sketches I'll post here, but this is the only story—okay, "story"—featuring her.

Finally, a Patron earlier requested John Carter of Mars' Dejah Thoris for an art request, and it turns out that, back in 2012, I drew a fully inked con sketch featuring her bedamseled:

Yeah, I think I did quite a few inked pieces like this in the summer of 2012, back before I developed the 11" X 14" con sketch format that I still use today.

TOMORROW: The serialization of the "tweet-novel" prose prequel dealie I Am Empowered moves to Thursdays, so I can leave Friday open for Comics Riffs I Love.

$20-TIER PATRONS: Stand by for a bonus DiD-inclusive sketch set based on your early art requests, to be posted at 12:00pm EST for your Big-Spending perusal!



Otaku Twenty-Four Seven

Ah, good ol' Satoshi Urushihara, my first introduction to their work was Plastic Little, and then Chirality. I still have those comic book issues in storage somewhere...


Woo <3 Now that’s what I’m taking about. Hopefully we get to see the rest of this. :D


Lovely work!


Oh god, just burst out laughing at that first page. The smug 'heh' on Shasti's face! Hahahaha! Perfect line there, Kei. You're just asking for it. For a supposed quick and dirty page, the art is really good. If I'd commissioned this, I'd be perfectly satisfied. Shasti was _such_a bitch...


Those who can do can’t necessarily teach. Teaching a skill is a vastly different thing to practicing it, and ability in the two fields doesn’t always overlap. In particular, when somebody has truly exceptional natural ability(or hardwired, programmed ability, I suppose) in an area, they are highly likely to be unaware of how to break down the steps in such a way as to make them comprehensible to a novice, as they didn’t perceive the process in that way. I ran into that same problem myself (as a washed up child prodigy) during my brief stint attempting to tutor high school kids in Algebra, and I ended up quitting that gig in order to avoid being fired. Add a generous dose of resentment at spending brick-shitloads of time being stashed doing recruit training and away from fieldwork because the !@!#$%!#^&$ in 3WA admin don’t trust her stability(not explicitly stated, but it seems like a reasonable interpretation of events to me), and the outcome was entirely predictable. From a canon standpoint, I think my old theory works here, but so could “Kei and Yuri were really inexperienced at the time(being still in training and all) and also didn’t yet have all of their cool 3WA tech installed/on hand, hence the easy damseling” or even “This is actually just Shasti idly fantasizing.”

Otaku Twenty-Four Seven

Just out of curiosity... I noticed that in your social media post for this particular piece, the clipped image you chose had the references to "Kei's closet" and "Yuri" censored out. While I'm guessing this is to avoid unwanted attention from certain rights/license holders it led me to think that does this mean "Shasti" is an original character of yours in that universe for which you hold the rights to and could refer to her freely?

adamwarren (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 05:51:09 Yeahp, that's why I censored it, out of sheer paranoia about publicly stating that I'm posting K & Y DiD comics. In theory, at least, I could do something with Shasti, though the situation's rather ambiguous.
2019-12-05 19:09:13 Yeahp, that's why I censored it, out of sheer paranoia about publicly stating that I'm posting K & Y DiD comics. In theory, at least, I could do something with Shasti, though the situation's rather ambiguous.

Yeahp, that's why I censored it, out of sheer paranoia about publicly stating that I'm posting K & Y DiD comics. In theory, at least, I could do something with Shasti, though the situation's rather ambiguous.


At some point I'll have to scan and post the DP page (pointed out to me by a helpful Patron) that canonically justifies this weirdly easy damseling...


I'm fairly sure I was the "helpful Patron" in question(unless we aren't talking the K&Y Con thingy in which case please ignore this), my other speculation here was essentially just arguing with myself(which seems weirdly appropriate when discussing Shasti-related matters given her fragmented personality).


This was so much fun to read!!