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Am massively swamped with work at the moment, but I thought I might as well show all you fine Patrons what's been doing most of the swamping: Namely, January's Venom: The End one-shot from Marvel, which I wrote and laid out—and drew a variant cover for, as seen in the work stages above! Yay!

The coloring of the piece hasn't happened yet, but I'll be sure to preview it here first when I do see that stuff. 

Just spent most of four days(!) doing elaborate and detailed lettering guides for the 30-page issue, and I still have plenty more work left to go on the book. Some day I'll have to write up a post-mortem on how this one g-d story wound up consuming a truly astounding amount of worktime on my part; let's just say it was a particularly harsh yet insight-packed "learning experience," okay?

Anyhoo, sorry for such a hasty post on #ThankYou Patrons day here on Patreon, but this is all I have time for before I have to drive off to a doctor's appointment (in the snow, natch) in a few minutes. Thanks for all your support, folks, and I'll blither at you later!



Tim Price

I haven't bought Venom comics in a long time, but I WILL buy this one!


Wow, that's really some detailing...


Will be sure to get this issue and cover! This is some amazing detail and work just for a cover, looks like it'll be great. I JUST finished reading "Ironman: Hypervelocity" and despite knowing nothing about any Marvel stuff, I didn't feel lost at all and instead, was engaged. Just shows how amazing a writer you are.


That's good timing, as a version of "Tony 2.0" from IM:HV plays a (very) key role in the one-shot!