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For this week's DiD post, I'd originally intended to show two different versions of the same commissioned sketch set, drawn 20 years apart; however, I'm having a helluva tough time piecing together the scans for the recent follow-up version in my very narrow timeframe for setting up today's post. So the second version of this sketch set will have to wait until next week, folks!

Anyhoo, back in the late 90s, several of my regular DiD commissioners at the time were cool with loose, quickly drawn sketch sets rather than more finished-looking pieces, and this is definitely an example of the former. No backgrounds, no comic panels, just straight-up damsel imagery; that sorta thing, I could easily knock out between drawing panels of my "day job" comics.

Speaking of which.... As with last week's bondage exoframe sketches, this set was drawn on the back of a photocopy of a penciled page from Gen13: Magical Drama Queen Roxy (which I'll someday post here in a non-DiD entry); if you closely enough, you can see vague hints of that artwork in the sketch set's background.

The theoretical concept was that Yuri from my iteration of the Dirty Pair was being ambushed in a hotel room by rogue superagent Shasti from the Dangerous Acquaintances (and Run from the Future) miniseries, who hacked into the suite's laundry drones and reprogrammed 'em for damsel-distressing. Those drones are a menace, I tell ya! 

This isn't the first time I would address the concept of a DP-verse hotel suite's automation run amuck for DiD purposes; in fact, I once laid out a legitimate (if obviously unpublished) DP story featuring just such a scenario. 

I should also note that Shasti often appears—usually in person, though—in the hitherto unseen Kei & Yuri DiD commissioned material I drew over the years, which I'll be posting here in the months to come. The "Escape & Evasion class" that Shasti's scribbled voiceover mentions in the sketch set above is the subject of an actual story in a proto-Empowered format, believe it or not; truth be told, the outfits I drew for poor K&Y in that story led directly to Ninjette's shorts in Empowered. Go figure! 

20-odd years later, I revisited this sketch set for the same commissioner, for a rather different-looking set of results. I'll try posting that set here next week, okay?




I so wish you could have kept going with DP. Just reread Run From The Future and I so want to find out what Shasti was up to!

Jack Hallows

we need one for ninjitte lol

Lex of Excel

You know, Mr. Warren, maybe you could make some posts on the earlier version of Empowered as an animated series? Just speaking as someone who would love to see it adapted... ^^


Given what Yuri did to the last hotel she stayed at and the Lovely Angels' general reputation, I wonder if Shasti didn't get a little discreet help from management in dealing with security and the droids out of the hope that she'd cart Yuri safely away from the hotel and preferably out of the local solar system entirely. (Of course, I’m fairly sure that it’s more likely that Kei and Yuri will show up on my doorstep tomorrow then that any such ploy would actually result in the hotel remaining intact, but A for effort.)


I'm not sure I follow you. The earlier version of EMP as an animated series? Please clarify!


Luckier than you might know, as I was kinda worried that the commissioner in question might've passed away... But nope, he's still alive and kicking, which led to the recent follow-up reworking of this old sketch set (to be seen here next week).

Lex of Excel

I might be mistaken, but I recall you mentioning pitching Emp as a cartoon, and that it would have turned out vastly different from the comic.


These loose sketches have their own sense of liveliness, I think. Very interested to see next week's sketch!