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Here's a clump o' sketch sets based on monthly art-request suggestions solicited from the $5 and $10 tiers, drawn mostly in Clip Studio Paint as I continue to play around with the app's various brushes. 

Images 1, 4 & 5 are based on Empowered and Dirty Pair characters switching up costumes, per the "Halloween cosplay" riff a kindly Patron suggested.

Images 2 & 3 are follow-ups to the one-pager from a month or two back that pitted Kei vs. Ninjette, as poor Emp faces off against Yuri this time. Does not go well for her, as our literally bondage-cursed heroine is singularly ill-suited to face an opponent so well-armed with ultra-tech gear designed for non-lethal incapacitation and restraint (see Dirty Pair: Run from the Future). Note that, if I had sketched a third page featuring Yuri reluctantly restraining a semi-conscious Emp, the Lovely Angel would've been startled to notice that this baseline human boasts a rump even more "toothsome" (per the Caged Demonwolf) than genetic upgrade Kei's acclaimed "Hypno-Butt." (Hence the reference in the first illo.)

Image #6 is a quick Procreate jam based on requests for some logo wackiness (here, for the alter ego of Mindf**k's brother from Empowered vol. 11) and an Emp "kamehemaha" equivalent.

New Patreon tier alert: Yeahp, finally got around to setting up a higher Patreon tier, for any Big Spenders out there who might feel okay with jumping up to $20 for at least a month. Not that I'm expecting many (or possibly any) folks to go for this, but I thought I might as well make the option available; figured that, while I was still pumping out posts on a likely unsustainable every-weekday basis, that worked out to (generally) $1 per post at that level.

Anyhoo, right now, the first new benefit on that $20 tier is—wait for it!—yet another art request slot, which would theoretically take top priority for the month. Huzzah! (Note that art requests are eventually going to Become A Problem once I'm drawing a book full-time again, but I'm still months away from that being the case.)




Hey Adam, have you considered adding an art critique tier? I'm sure a lot of your subscribers are artists too and could benefit greatly from your feedback. Something like character design critique, or tips to get the poses/framing more on point for a specific mood, critique on a whole page... Lots of options.

Dave Van Domelen

Did you work on this visual novel? https://store.steampowered.com/app/987240/Arcadia/ (An Adam Warren is among the writers)

Alan Phillips

Great work, Adam, as always!


When do tier changes/charges take effect? I seem to remember there was some confusion in the beginning about whether it happened right away or at the beginning of the month. Love that NeuroSpear piece BTW.


Charges seem to happen right at the end of the month or the very beginning of the next, looks like. Glad you liked the Neurospear piece; might try some other logo-ish stuff sometime.


Thanks for the Emp & Jette cosplay! Love it!


Interesting, but that would be massively time-consuming for me and, TBH, I'm not very good at that sort of critique. On the other hand, that does give me an idea for a new category of post...


Yo, I need a ruling from the chair. If I remember correctly, at some point there’s mention that Emp’s suit has merged into her DNA or been woven into her DNA or something along those lines, and there’s a scene in volume 11 which I shan’t detail due to SPOILERS that would seem to imply that her underlying physiology has indeed been altered in some way. Is that enough to make her no longer qualify for “baseline human” status? Also, great work!

Alan Phillips

I was wondering something along those lines. We know when Fleshmaster absorbed Elissa's DNA, he manifested the suit and that Elissa had apparently had various physical scars (like a concussion) healed. I suspect she has at least been genetically altered by the suit (while the suit in turn was keyed to her DNA). I beleive in the future, there is a possibility that Emp will "interalize" her suit's abilities to where her suit is simply a second skin she can manifest at will. We already have seen she can make portions of her suit disappear. I would say "genetically altered" human might be appropriate.


Looks like there's some better pen/brush options in Clip Studio Paint that are closer to your actual pencil work. Loving it all so far!! I can't jump on the higher tier right now; wish I could, really. You deserve every penny, for damn sure.

TF Commando

Though per the previous post about the DP's costumes, genetic upgrades include a lot of physical feature tweaking. The suit isn't making Emp's butt bigger. Almost certainly not!


I mean, her butt has grown since she got the suit, are we 100% sure the suit wasn't at least a partial cause? Also, since it's not like Emp or any of us have the manual for her suit, and she's materialized previously unknown powers before, she could have a literal HypnoButt and just not know it yet.


Hey, don't sweat it. Your support, including the detailed and thoughtful feedback, is much appreciated.