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Whoops, forgot to post these in September!

Above are my thumbnails for issue #5 of 2018's Empowered and Sistah Spooky's High School Hell, a six-part miniseries written by me, drawn by Carla Speed McNeil, and colored by Jenn Manley Lee.  Previous roughs from issue #5 are here; and more info on the overall project here.

Now, with the previous issues, such as #3,  I posted the thumbnails only in their original "quad" format, as seen  above.  Howeva, it's occurred to me that the roughs might be more  appealing if I cropped 'em to show a single page at a time, as seen below. 

A new thing I'm doing is to tack on Carla's art for the pages afterward, as seen below. Last time I attached the inks; this time, I'll try the pencils.

Whoops, the memory size for this text section's gonna be huge, so I'll mostly just stick to my (cropped-off) thumbnails, okay?

Wait, Carla's art for this Infernal Service Provider "sneering rant" page is delightful; I'll attach the inks below. The panel with cartoony Spooky running against the herd cracks me up.

This closing scene for the issue's brutally cold-blooded, gotta say.

The mass murder of the other magical blondes by Queen Bee Ashley and second-in-command Ashlee (to acquire the others' magic for themselves) is Willy-Pete-worthy brutality, save for the fact that ol' WP would never be quite so cold-blooded and calculating.

Next month, we (finally) wrap these roughs up. Huzzah! 




Carla's take on page fifteen is amazing! When it comes to changing your layouts, how does the communication work for that between you and the artist?


The artist usually makes such changes on her own; unless the alterations are truly jarring (which has never happened, as far as I can recall), I don't object.


This was a really good book!