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Here are my thumbnails for issue #3 of 2018's Empowered and Sistah Spooky's High School Hell, a six-part miniseries written by me, drawn by Carla Speed McNeil, and colored by Jenn Manley Lee. More info on the project here.   

For each of the first two issues, I previously broke up the "thumbs" into two separate posts, but this time around I figured I'd try binge-posting 'em in one big clump. Later in the month, I might look into posting further work stages on a few of the issue's pages, as the process had some interesting back-and-forth between Carla and me (over dialogue revisions, mostly).

And now, the "singing competition" scene:

Note that the riff in pp.7-8 about Emp's dream of being a badass backup singer (and not a lead singer) is one of my favorite bits in the whole issue, as seen in this inked Carla panel: 

Queen Ashley's deadly magic "bubble of solipsism" attack on pp.11-12 was, of course, a callback to the old "I'm crushing your head" bit from The Kids in the Hall

And then we go to the rather harsh "ladies' room" scene that closes out the issue:

Yeahp, Spooky gets broken by a magic mirror while Emp drowns in her own tears in a bathroom stall:

I quite like the image (and pose) of tear-submerged Emp forcing her way out of the bathroom stall in p.21 below:

Anyhoo, this particular feature doesn't seem to be one of this Patreon's more successful categories, but ehh, decided I might as well keep rolling with it.   




My life's been a little crazy the last couple of months, so I haven't been able to comment much. That aside, I enjoy the thumbnails. It's cool to see how the pages get composed and to look for any changes between them and the final product. I, for one, would love to see more, if you're willing to keep sharing.


Thanks much; glad to hear that someone gets a bit of value out of these thumbnail posts! And yeahp, I’ll definitely post the other issues’ “thumbs” over the next 3 months, even if they do appear to be the least popular category on this site.


I really enjoy the thumbnails too. High School Hell just wasn't one of my favorite EMP stories though.


I also love these different stage posts, so very interesting! The bathroom scene HURTS, ugh.