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As we near the July 1 re-up for your patronage (Patreonage?), thought I'd do a quick "state of the Patreon" post, and query you kind folks with a poll re: what you'd like to see me post here. 

Just had 3 people delete their support today (ouch), so the topic is certainly fresh in my mind.  I would say, if there's some category of material that you'd like to see me emphasize more, lemme know before you pull the plug, and I'll see what I can do. 

On that score, feel free to make suggestions in the comments below as to what you'd like to see from this Patreon. I've listed a number of options in the poll, but lemme know if there's some other possibility that I'm failing to address.  

One upcoming change is that, in July, I'm gonna start posting a bunch of my commissioned "damsel in distress" sketches and comics to the $5 and $10 tiers on a weekly basis (at least), though you'll still see some of that material in the regular $3 tier (such as the ongoing Empowered vol.12 preview, which is heavy on the ol' DiD content).

Another issue to be considered is frequency of posts. Right now I'm shooting for weekdaily posts (er, ignoring this weekend's posts), but is that too much of a barrage, I wonder? Would you prefer to see less frequent posts, but with more images crammed into each one, say? (Maybe I should do a poll about that particular topic at some point.)

To be honest, I'm not sure that my current pacing of posts is sustainable in the "year or two from now" long-term, or when I'll be facing heavy workloads or crushing deadlines on future projects. I can tell you that I sure as hell wouldn't have been able to keep up with everyday posts during the depths of my Empowered vol. 11 ordeal over the last two years; even keeping up with the webcomic serialization was a struggle back then, and this Patreon is already far more time-consuming that that ever was.

Anyhoo, check out some poll options below; as mentioned earlier, suggestions in the comments section are welcome.


Michael Campen

To be honest? A high tier (with presumably only a few slots) for commissions. I doubt most of us will ever meet you during a con, especially the ones overseas.

TF Commando

A lot of of artist Patreons do put commissions on a limited top tier, but I don't know how they handle rotation. If it's only one commission a month, the person who gets that $200 spot would have to vacate it for another person, and then it's down to luck as to who gets the next one. A drawing for everyone interested and then just paying directly could work, but that would involve making up a list and picking from it, which is a fair amount of work too.


I’m afraid, I have different kind of problems, which cannot be solved that easily (or at all). I am one of the web(-only) readers and I would really like to read the Empowered comics in the paper version. But most of the volumes seems to be sold out. With great enthusiasm I accompanied the introduction of the character Mindf**k and with even more disappointment her disappearance (death?). The drawing style till Empowered Vol. 5 was perfect, from my point of view. I have seen previews of later volumes and I don’t like the drawing style there. So it seems, I live in the wrong universe or in the wrong time. Or both. :) To contribute something constructive to the poll: Don’t wait till a pending burnout to lower the pace of your postings. The interaction with the web readers and patreons is important, but more important is the quality of your life and main work (in this order).


I support your Patreon as a thanks for putting the comic online for free. I don't really care about additional goodies. Don't burn yourself producing Patreon content on my account.


Just want more Adam Warren and Empowered in my life. :-)


The weekday posts are the perfect amount of posting I think. Patreon wise it's the daily post I look forward to the most. :) Content wise I think you're already providing way more than other creators that I've supported and it's been a pleasure to do so. But IF you're looking for other types of rewards that I've seen be done successfully by other content creators: -Access to a special discord server at the higher tiers. -More risque art at the higher tiers (If the DiD addition that's incoming covers this then perfect. Also depends on the type of art you want to present here I suppose. I've seen people sign up at around $20 for this level and creators make a "killing" off of it. -Maybe a once a month hangout stream where you set a date and people at the appropriate tier can come in and watch you draw and talk in the chat? Thank you for all the amazing content , Sir! o7 *salute*


Pardon me while I voted for everything. >.> Sorry, but I enjoy it all! I remember your Failed Project Fridays on DA and those were very interesting reads. I LOVE seeing super early work too, so gimme! As for frequency, I think two posts a week is great, as daily IS a lot for any creator to maintain. As for people asking for commissions, those can cause some issues on how they're handled. I've seen other creators do them in a variety of ways and besides the ones who pretty much only take commissions on their page, there's no real good solution. MAYBE Warren can offer digital commissions in the future, since there wouldn't be anything physical to send, but I can't really offer any sure-fire ways to do it (maybe do a one-slot only top tier, or allow the people who want to get put in a lottery for the chance to buy a commission, etc). Either way I will be moving up a tier or two, for sure. Just waiting to see what you decide goes where and for me to add a "Warren" line to my budget. :D




I agree what you said about commisions. Depending on how Mr. Warren values his time with let's say a procreate digital sketch for example... I could see that as a viable tier reward if he's up for such a thing on a limited basis.


I worry that you wont be able to keep up all the content you post here. I really like the random different things you post better than say, always posting finished work. I'm pretty happy with the way things are.


These all sound like awesome ideas, and could even rotate in as monthly themes so you're not feeling the pressure to do EVERYTHING all at once. You've been posting frequently enough to justify the costs and hopefully this can be a fun place to share some older work that hasn't seen the net in a major way alongside the WiPs and creative musings you are exploring today!

TF Commando

As for me, I voted more for the older and rarer content like Dirty Pair and older commissions. The content from the Biohazards sketchbook would be fun if that's possible to reproduce. I don't want to see too much Empowered v. 11 preview stuff since I'll be getting the volume when it comes out. :)

Joshua Wolfe

You have been putting out a barrage of posts. None of the other Patreons I follow update every single day. Making comics is plenty of work already. Do what work works best around your drawing schedule.

Joe Crawford

Process stuff is great and insightful, as is your critiques and rants on comics-making. Pinups are a special favorite, particularly with process and thinking details. I agree that your pace is great, but that less frequent, if still on a cadence, was a bummer. Also, You were at San Diego Comic-Con a few years ago and I had misjudged my budget and was unable to commission you. I am hoping to fix that someday. Keep it up, you're an inspiration!


I love empowered, and your Dirty Pair comics, but I'd be lying if I said your DiD stuff isnt what introduced me to your work. I say bring it on!


I should hasten to clarify that vols.1-3 are going back into print, and are supposed to be available again at the end of August. Or were you looking at the listings in the webcomic's merchandise section, where almost all of the books have long been sold out? Many of the paper volumes are still available on Amazon or Things From Another World; I can send you links, if you need 'em.

Ruth and Darrin Sutherland

Sorry to hear of some dropping their support. Personally, we find the variety of posts you currently do very satisfying. A nice variety with great value. We're very happy to continue our support!