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Following up from the very first new page of Empowered vol. 12 that I posted recently, here's the next one! As noted in that previous post, the story starts out as a flashback to an old scene of Emp getting chloroformed and captured, with a new and important twist on the scene arriving later on in the episode. 

I'm trying to ease my way into vol. 12 by tackling a cheesecake-intensive "damsel in distress" (or "DiD") sequence, which is really, really easy and non-stressful for me to draw; having done plenty of DiD commissions in my spare time during lean career years, I can knock that stuff out quite easily, and often quite speedily as well. (Which is why a new category, that of heretofore unseen "damsel"-y material in illustration and comics form, is likely headed to this here Patreon before too long.)

Here are the panel roughs for the page:

And what the heck, here's the next page. Now, I've drawn images of poor Emp getting chloroformed before, but as a repeat commissioner noted pointedly (and sourly), I invariably have her golden tresses at least partially covering up her chest each time. (In fact, her bosom-concealing hair is really an integral part of Emp's default look.) So, feeling challenged, this time around I kept her hair outta the way, and the results were, well, eyecatching

Photoreferenced from a model in chrome body paint, no less! Gotta say, though, my typical system for rendering Emp's supersuit didn't really work well at this scale; if I'd used my more realistic life-drawing art style, the image might've worked out better.

TBH, not sure if this page will appear in the book in this ultra-cheesecakey form (stand by for a long hair overlay!), or even if the page will show up in the print version at all, but what the heck. Uh, enjoy, for the time being? 

And here's the rough:



Sleepy Comics

Thanks for the previews. This is why I am a Patron!


Love seeing these previews! "Eyecatching" stuff is also a plus. :3


The previews are awesome, it's really neat getting the insight into your thought process behind how pages come together and evolve over time. Also, Emp deserves a little lighter-hearted cheesecake after what I'm sure is a very intense V11!


When you say, "Emp deserves a little lighter-hearted cheesecake," it makes me think that the cheesecake she'd argue she deserves involves Thugboy and a Spartan costume. :)

Ruth and Darrin Sutherland

It's really interesting to see the development of the new book like this. Thanks for sharing!


A Bettie Page sendup with Emp mimicking a pose from her or something similar?


You mean as an art request? Certainly possible, though I've learned the hard way to never attempt that g-d Rocketeer/Betty pose again!


I'm excited to see what the "twist" will be. And if you don't have that page in print version, please include it as an extra somewhere; it's really nice and I want that rough like no other!