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Behold, a Patreon early peek at an image I'll be flogging hither and yon on social media fairly soon! It's my take on the now-familiar #faceyourart dealie, but using only Emp faces from Empowered vol. 11. Gotta say, this was kinda fun; might try it again with a whole 'nother set of Emp faces, or go back to the original scans to make a higher-resolution version of this montage.




hah, I only recognize a few of these, there's a bunch of new ones! Poor Emp's ugly-cry face tho ;_;


Frames 6 and 7 are particularly intriguing. Six has something looks like the sparkle effect we see from her suit but with her as child. Seven has almost a Captain Marvel kind of vibe.


Believe me, there are a LOT of ugly-cry faces to choose from in EMP11, but I didn't want to make the montage seem too depressing...

Lex of Excel

Kid Emp getting booped gives me life.

Stuart Little

Surprised there's no snot in any of the ugly cry face panels :p


Frame 2's subtle lip-bite is now my new spirit animal.


I love this idea. Also, this kills me. Poor Emp!!!