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Out of ten or so existing plotlines that could be used for the second issue/chapter/whatever of fantasy romantic-action-comedy-with-a-kink The Chaste and the Chained, I decided to roll with the one involving a "Potion Master" who grabs and carries off the Elfmage Avatar of the Chained Goddess:

 A big fella! Anyhoo, he subdues the Elfmage with a specialized potion, as seen in the upper left below:

 At right above, some sketches show a measure the Elfmage takes to help the Paladin track her as she's spirited away to the Potion Guy's lab; that is, she's leaving behind articles of clothing as they're running through a foggy maze. Lordy loo!

The sketches at lower left indicate that I didn't know what the back of the Elf's top looked like, as I had always drawn that outfit with her cloak worn over it:

Anyhoo, her next move was to toss her top away as well:

 The previous sketches were all analog pencil; the next work-in-progress piece was drawn in Clip Studio Paint (iOS):

 Anyhoo, TBH, these sketches were probably unnecessary, as I could've gone right to actual page roughs for this sequence; oh, well. (Anyhoo, I needed another Distressed Damsels post this month, regardless.) In any event, I'll be roughing out this issue next month, looks like; for the rest of July I need to finish scripting the second (48-page!) issue of Godplayers and get pages from that Half-Orc test story for The Last Party underway. Yay?

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




Love the pics and dialog! One of the best times of the week.


Analog pencil?! O_O