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Behold, another Endpage piece I wrote and drew in 2006 for the sadly defunct videogame magazine PSM, goofily speculating about the Playstation 4's then-imminent launch. First off, the rough I sent in for approval:

Pity my editor at the time didn't say, "Jeez, that looks like way too much text, dude."

Here's the final version (penciled on linen-finish cardstock like my old con sketches, BTW) in which I gratuitously added a cameo by Empowered's Thugboy:

...as well as a double dose of the difficult-to-draw Ruger P89 semiautomatic. (Ughh.)

Yeahp, 'twas indeed way too much text, folks; oh, well. Live and learn, I guess...?

And now, back to inking the variant cover illo I had hoped to finish on Saturday! (Ughh, again.) Part of the problem is that I'm inking this sucker via painstakingly slow analog means; if I had wised up and elected to handle this piece digitally, I might well already be finished.

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?




Still waiting on those Holodeck 2.0 units