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After two weeks straight of nonstop grinding on a very difficult Marvel script (in turn after a week straight of tax-prep BS), I'm deep in a frickin' hole in terms of Patreon post content. So, here's what I could scrape up this morning for DiD material, starting with some semi-recent revisions to an old Empowered sketch set:

...which I posted year years ago, as part of a vague set of sketches supposedly relating to a requested damsel interaction between a giant-scale Emp and "Mount Lady" from My Hero Academia; you can vaguely make out a loose scribble of Mount Lady in an earlier set seen here:

 Anyhoo, here's the original sketch set that I tightened up for the first image:

 Note that I copied and repurposed the lowermost Emp sketch's pose for a panel in Empowered vol. 12, though I bizarrely chose to redrew her head position from the original (and superior) version, probably in an attempt to have her more directly reacting to the goon who's speaking, come to think of it:

More on this matter later, but over two years after I finished work on Empowered vol. 12, I feel pretty confident that the book's current release date of November 2024 will actually happen. No, really!

And here's a more recent sketch set (drawn with the snazzy if chalky new 8B pencil leads I've been working with since last summer), relating to some ill-defined situation in which Emp is having to submit to bedamseling:

 Ehh, that was from quite a few months ago, so I've lost track of exactly what was supposed to be going on in this set. Regardless, enjoy the (figuratively and literally) superdamsel cheesecake, folks!

Finally, to close out this rather desperate "potpourri" collection of damsel-y imagery, here's a preview of another rough for that "Elf vs. Chair" story from The Chaste and the Chained:

This page will probably be seen again in a larger Chaste post next month in tighter (or at least fully dialogued) form, along with another look at the pages that preceded it; also, the next page in this sequence should finally reveal the true nature of the Elfmaid's Brilliant Plan, for whatever that's worth.

And now, back to wrapping up work on my unnecessary and time-consuming but oddly satisfying thumbnails for that challenging Marvel script, which you will no doubt be seeing here months hence!

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Ehh, Monday will prrrrrobably be something Life Drawing-related, likely with a new CSP sketch set as I'll be finally free of scripting responsibilities (well, until I go back to work on scripting Unidentified Fantasy Offering next month); Tuesday will see the $10 & $20-tier Exclusive Monthly Bonus dealie, which will almost certainly feature more Distressed Damsels content as I now begin grinding through Biggest Spender art requests. Yay?



Otaku Twenty-Four Seven

My curséd preorder on a certain A to Z website still optimistically informs me that it's July by their reckoning, but I'll take whenever it lands as long as it's this side of the apocalypse.


Some amazing old and new pieces back in this post -- as always, thank you for loading up the fun on all of the different fronts!