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[Here's a link to our previous installment in this series.]

So, yeahp, I'm serializing my insanely tight layout pages for the 2005 Marvel miniseries Iron Man: Hypervelocity, the first issue of which I wrote and laid out long before an artist had been chosen;  of course, the great Brian Denham wound up tackling the art for the project, but I had already rolled with these time-consuming roughs out of, I dunno, sheer perfectionism and unhinged micro-managing.

Either that, or these layouts represented the sum total of artwork I actually wanted to produce for this project. As I've noted here before, cranking out finished artwork is the bane of my g-d existence as an artist; I like (or even occasionally love) drawing loose, relatively spontaneous comic pages like this, but bog down toute suite upon having to painstakingly render my usual tight and precise completed artwork.

Even though we're coming up on the 20th anniversary of Hypervelocity's creation, I am loath to publicly acknowledge to non-Patrons that I'm serializing these layouts here, hence the "Old SF-Adjacent Project" monicker.

Anyhoo, onward to the wrap-up of the "here's what really happened" flashback that's been running throughout issue #2:

And back to "real time" action:

Look out, Tony 2.0!

And the punchline to this action scene:

And behold some imagery that you definitely could not do in a modern-era Marvel comic:

(In fact, I'm fairly surprised that we were allowed to depict "cutting" imagery back in 2005.)

And Hypervelocity issue #2's final story page:

Rest assured that, when I resume posting from Iron Man: Hypervelocity's next issue within a few weeks, you will learn a great deal more about Tony Stark 2.0's tatted-up, garter-belted & miniskirted hallucination(?). Yay?

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?

TIME-SENSITIVE UPDATE: On a vaguely related front, three of my (pencil-based, not Sharpie-based) layout pages from Gen13: Magical Drama Queen Roxy and Grunge! The Movie are up for auction for the next eight hours or so (as of 11:00 am EST) at this site. For the record, this is a resale of pages I sold decades ago for probably $25 a pop or so (ouch); the whole set is priced at $260 at present. As I'm not attending any conventions for some time nor am I set up for online art sales, thought I'd pass along this rare opportunity for original art, even though I'll not earn another penny from the auction.




Would have loved to see the finished, publish-ready version of this. Marvel owes you a truckload of cash.