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Behold, a very sweet illo from the excellent artist Matthew Weldon, featuring a bunch of the characters from my fantasy project The Chaste and the Chained! Why, 'tis a double-page spread and everything!

First off, his initial rough, which I found dandy indeed all on its own:

Then, after I sent along a Dropbox link to the Chaste test story I worked on last summer...

...Matthew expanded the rough to an inked double-page spread featuring that story's grotesque cultists:

...and then applied some purty, purty colors:

He didn't know at the time about the Elf Mage's odd-looking, cat-like, all-violet eyes, as seen a few months ago in a commission from Karla Diaz (Empowered and the Soldier of Love):

...but who cares? I love the piece regardless!

Anyhoo, I'm very much hoping to be working with Matthew very soon on an entirely different fantasy project, recently mentioned here under the cryptonym Unidentified Fantasy Offering; I actually roughed out the oversized first issue last month, but am likely to spend most of April buried under taxes and a difficult Marvel one-shot script, alas. Expect to see some of Matthew's gorgeous design sketches for "UFO" fairly soon, okay?

Meanwhile, the use of the term "Guest Artistry" is a bit of a misnomer for The Chaste and the Chained, as I'll almost certainly wind up only writing and not drawing that project if it ever progresses further. (TBH, the deciding issue is that I find The Last Party's half-nekkid Dwarf Barbarian much easier to draw than Chaste's armored, 8-heads-tall Human Paladin.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?



Dean Reilly

Couldn't you just make everyone shirtless? 😄


Ohwow, that looks so awesome!!!