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Lounging on Eric’s couch and watching a movie on his television, your phone buzzes with a notification from the Department of Health and Safety. “Oh… it’s time” you mumble nonchalantly as you glance out of his apartment window to see the faint glow of a full moon against the sky of a setting sun. Eric watches you rummage through your bag until you find a small canister and a syringe wrapped in a cloth with a list of instructions, you’re well-versed with. “We don’t want a repeat of last time…huh” you say, as your friend chuckles awkwardly in agreement, remembering the virus outbreak two years ago.

You still shudder at the memories of getting infected, feeling your body change into a busty and sex crazed brunette as you succumb to your urges and end up fucking strangers on the street. You lived a life of orgies and sex as a slut with the other infected until an antidote was created a few months later. With a simple injection, you returned back to your old self, however, the virus reemerges every full moon, so you’ll have to readminister the cure every month. Since then, you’ve managed to keep yourself from becoming a bimbo again and live an ordinary life despite society still recovering from the outbreak.

I’ll just give myself a quick jab” you say to Eric and walk away as he nods his head, used to your monthly routine. Leaving the syringe and bottle of antidote on the tabletop, you briefly head to the bathroom for a toilet break and to sanitize your hands. Unaware of Eric’s gaze following your every step, you don’t hear him rush to a cabinet and grab a similar looking bottle of fluid. With a sinister grin, he switches the containers and hurries back to the couch before you notice anything amiss when you return from the bathroom. Filling the syringe with liquid, you grunt and wince at the slight pain as you inject it all into your bloodstream, feeling a familiar warmth flow through your body.

Ah… all done” you smile as you join Eric on the couch and the sun finally sets, blanketing the sky in darkness. You consider ordering dinner as your stomach gurgles loudly and a strange tingle runs down your back, making you shiver and cough a few times. Scrolling through the menu of a local restaurant on your phone, you hesitate in confusion as your nails clack loudly against the glass screen. “What the…” you mumble in bewilderment as you stare at your hands to see long glossy manicured nails extending from your slimming fingers while your hands shrink and becomes softer. Your blood runs cold as you quickly realize what it implies, feeling your wrists narrowing and your biceps melting into a thin layer of fat around your dainty arms.

T-That’s I-Impossible!” you stutter, certain that you administered the antidote on time as you inspect the bottle of liquid thoroughly. To your surprise, the detail on the prescription looks different than normal and upon closer inspection, the color of the fluid is off by a few shades. Desperately searching through your bag for the correct vial, you grimace as your broad shoulders loudly crunch inwards and rounder into a smaller frame. “Wha… what did I just inject?!” you groan in confusion, noticing Eric watching you with a sadistic smile.

Something that’ll bring out your true potential” Eric grins, touching your feminine arms as you flinch back in shock. Fearfully stepping away from him, your back pops in multiple places as it shrinks and becomes curvier, forcing you to thrust out your chest and ass with your new posture. You feel nauseous from your shorter height and out of breath as your ribs rapidly contracts into a smaller torso. “Humanity would’ve been better…” Eric snarls, pulling up his sleeve to reveal the mark of The New Age tattooed on his arm.

You’re one of them?!” you splutter in horror as he nods proudly, standing up and towering above your petite height. The small group was known to be zealots believing that the virus was the gateway to the next step in evolution, and that society should’ve embraced it instead of halting its spread with the antidote. The changes seem to be speeding up as your hips cracks loudly as it widens into child-bearing proportions. Touching your hips in disbelief, you gasp as you feel them still growing larger with fat until your pants fail to contain it all and rips in half. “Just… give me the antidote” you wheeze breathlessly at Eric as your stomach flattens into a toned core while your waist sucks in to create an hour-glass figure from your ample hips.

I gave you something even better” Eric replies smugly as you stare at him in confusion, feeling increasingly flustered as you make eye contact with him. You want to punch him and force him to tell you, but it’ll be impossible with your fragile arms only experienced with pleasure and cooking. Letting out a groan, your feet crunches down a few sizes with dainty toes wiggling back while your calves cramp up as it becomes slimmer. “You have an enhanced dosage of the virus” Eric says excitedly as it continues to pump through your body, making you sweat profusely.

Enhanced?!” You shout back in terror, still begging for the antidote but Eric shakes his head with glee. “What do you mea--- uunnghhhhh” you whimper as the familiar orgasmic sensation of fat flooding into your ass cheeks makes your eyes roll back. Your skin pulsates with activity and stretches as it accommodates for all the fat accumulating inside, pushing your ass into a round bubble butt. You let out a moan as your ass spills out of your ripped pants and jiggles in all directions, making Eric smile lewdly. Your eye twitches as you suppress the sudden urge to squeeze your soft ass cheeks and spread them in front of him, begging to get butt fucked for two years ago with strangers. “These aren’t my thoughts” you say to yourself repeatedly, trying to ignore the influx of sexual thoughts and faint memories of when you were a slutty brunette.

Nnuugh… unnghhh… ahhh” you whimper, running your fingers along the curves of your hips and protruding ass. Admittedly, your current body seems to be more voluptuous and sensitive than your first transformation as you explore more of your feminine side. A familiar tingling and numbing sensation emanates from your thighs as excess fat floods into them. You bite your lower lip to suppress a moan as your tender and pillowy inner thighs rub against each other and smother your balls in between. “The… antidote…” you wheeze, trying to think straight in your cloudy and hazy mind.

Sensing your heart beating faster and your chest vibrating with activity, you begin to panic as you realize what comes next. “N-No… boobs… mmmphhh” you moan, looking down to see your nipples already hard and puffy with dark areolas surrounding them. Waves of fat move under your skin and accumulates under your nipples, slowly pushing them out into budding A-cups. Grimacing, your feel your skin stretch as your breasts expand into C-cups within seconds, protruding from your chest and jiggling around with a deepening cleavage in between. “Ahhnn… oh my god…” you groan, cupping your breasts in your hands as they swell into D-cups, causing your fingers to sink into the soft milky flesh while some spills out of your small grasp. Breathing heavily, your heavy breasts heave up and down with every breath as you squeeze your tits together with fascination. “So… big” you coo, unable to hide your smile as you subconsciously feel happier that your breasts are bigger than last time.

Your body buzzes with warmth as you pinch your nipples and grope your tits in your hands, imaging how it’ll feel to have a dick sliding in your cleavage before climaxing all over your chest. Glancing at Eric, your heart flutters giddily as you immediately picture him fucking you raw and dominating you in bed. “Run… virus spread…” you splutter with difficulty as you struggle to think rationally with thoughts of sex constantly in your mind.

Run? You have no idea how much I wanted to be infected” Eric snaps back angrily, disappointed for missing out on catching the outbreak. He watched friends turn into busty bimbos participating in orgies for months while his rich family kept him guarded in the safe house, depriving him of the option to break free from his wealthy mundane life. “With the scientifically enhanced virus… nothing can stop it” he says confidently, ogling your curves and jiggling breasts as you blush red in embarrassment.

Enhanced… like… nuughhhhh” you groan painfully, looking down to see your glossy and manicured nails turn shiny black and sharp like talons while your entire body shudders with activity. Despite looking thin and dainty, your feminine arms buzzes with energy and triples in strength while the same happens to your thick legs. Brimming with newfound strength, you feel increasingly confident and powerful with a superhuman body. “Wha… what’s happening…” you mutter, clutching your head as more savage and animalistic thoughts mix with all the perverted and sexual memories filling your mind.

Mmmm… arrghh…” you murmur in an almost growl as your face tingles all over and starts to contort in key areas, altering your bone structure. Your jawline rapidly softens while your cheekbones pop higher, creating a more feminine and doll-like appearance. Letting out a sneeze, your nose crunches smaller into a cute button nose while your eyebrows narrow, adding contours to your shifting face. “H-Hungry… Me… Hungry…” you growl, hearing your voice cracking higher into a seductive yet wild tone with a developing Japanese accent. Complex thoughts become impossible to comprehend in your hazy mind as your intelligence drops from the carnal desires seeping into your mind. Your stomach gurgles in protest as saliva drips from the corner of your lips plumping up into pillowy cock sleeves coated in lipstick and sharp teeth lined up behind.

Hungry… Horny… Hungry… Horny…” you mutter repetitively, trying to understand your urges as your eyes twitch, becoming wider and slanted on the corners while your irises turn dark brown, making you look increasingly Asian. Blinking back the tears from your stinging eyes, your vision seems to become sharper as your pupils dilate and your sclera becomes black. Your lengthening eyelashes flutter as you look around with your inhuman eyes, focusing on Eric’s boner in an instant like a hawk. “H-Horny… me want…” you murmur, ignoring your short hair growing longer and cascading past your shoulders as it becomes jet black and silky smooth to the touch.

Drooling uncontrollably like a starving animal seeing food, you inch closer towards Eric and your eyes widen in surprise as he pulls down his pants to reveal his throbbing cock. “You want it don’t you…” he taunts, as you nod your head submissively and feel your crotch heat up. Crouching low like a predator about to pounce, you shudder as your own erect dick brushes against the carpeted floor. Confused, you look down and your eyes becomes transfixed on your own cock while your hands instinctively wraps around it and starts to pump vigorously. “Such a slut... huh…” Eric scoffs, watching you jerk yourself off as your feminine hands stimulates your dick like a professional and you slowly succumb to the constant need for pleasure.

Mmmph… me… horny slut…” you moan in a thick Japanese accent, trying to correct him as cum sprays out and splatters all over the floor while your balls are pumped empty. Your eyes roll back as your shrivelled balls slurp into your crotch, reforming into fertile ovaries pumping estrogen throughout your petite body while your once throbbing dick becomes flaccid. “Me… need more cum…” you mumble in a daze, patting your flat crotch as your cock finally inverts into your body, leaving a tight slight in its place. Addicted to pleasure, you immediately push your fingers into your pussy and moan loudly in ecstasy as pink and moist flaps blossom out while your vagina deepens within. “Ahhh… hah… cock…” you gasp breathlessly, on all fours like an animal with your breasts hanging down like udders and juices laced with the virus dripping down your legs.

I’m all yours” Eric says with a grin, stretching his arms wide and pointing his dick towards you encouragingly. Fueled with horny primal instincts, you effortlessly grab him and toss him onto the nearby couch with your superhuman strength while your dark eyes gaze into his. Your breathing quickens, causing your heavy D-cups to heave up and down in front of Eric as you straddle him between your thick thighs. “It’s finally tim---mmphhhh” he says, but you cut him off, too hungry to wait as your lips press onto his and your tongue digs into his mouth, coating it with the virus.

Mmmm… yes…. Yes!” Eric pants, hearing his voice cracking higher into an alluring and feminine tone with a similar Japanese accent. His lengthening tongue dances with your as his lips plump up and his nose crunches smaller too. Breaking away from the kiss, you look down to see his face shifting into a more feminine and Asian appearance as his eyes becomes wider and slanted and long black hair flows down from his scalp. “Yes! Make me… a bimbo!” Eric giggles, brushing his long hair out of his rounder face with his much smaller hands and slender fingers.

Still straddling him, your saliva drips down and splatters on his chest, making his body convulse violently as the cells and muscles in his body change rapidly. Sounds of bone popping and crunching fills the room as he becomes shorter with a curvier spine and rounder shoulders like the girls in his dreams. “Come on…” He coos encouragingly, rubbing the puddles of saliva all over his chest as his nipples quickly darken and become puffy. Pinching and massaging his chest, he chuckles with excitement as fat floods into his developing breasts, pushing them into modest B-cups. Within seconds, his skin is stretched to contain D-cups jiggling on his chest as he plays with his deep cleavage. “They feel… so… like… good…” Eric slurs, trying to structure a coherent sentence in his quickly dumbing mind.

This feel… better!” you smile seductively and lick your lips as you guide his dick towards your trembling pussy before lowering and impaling yourself onto it. Stifling a loud moan from your tight pussy lips being stretched apart, you feel his girthy cock slider deeper into your pussy as your juices lubricate it all over. Lustfully gazing into his eyes, you see him grimace as your vagina peels back his foreskin and allows the tip of his dick to ram against your womb repeatedly. “More… more…” you coo, gyrating your hips and feeling the veins on his shaft pulsate along your warm vaginal wall.

Take… like my dick… take it all!” the Asian girl squeals underneath as your puffy pussy lips envelop more of her cock and massages it in all directions. Her breath quickens and her body shudders as she finally blows her load deep into you, expelling all the contents in her balls into your pussy until some leaks out of your folds. “Ohhh… yessss!” she pants, feeling her balls retreat into her crotch while her shrinking dick slurps into a moist slit like yours. Eagerly dipping her fingers into her newly formed pussy, she makes herself climax a few times as a woman as more of her memories fade away into a haze of sex and pleasure

The rest of her body rapidly changes from the virus, causing it to contort from his hips flaring out and his feet crunching smaller. “I’m like… so… hot!” the girl giggles, seeing her reflection in the mirror as she squeezes her breasts and fingers her dripping wet pussy. You watch her with mild curiosity as she gropes her ass, feeling it expand into a round peach butt while her thighs expand with fat. “I love my life… as… as… E… Elena!” she exclaims, only remembering her new name as she looks down at herself.

Loosing interest in the Asian girl, her pheromones no longer excite you and you look around hungrily for something to satisfy your insatiable emptiness and aching pussy. Tilting your head up like a predator scanning for prey, your eyes widen and lips drool uncontrollably the moment you catch a faint scent of a male. “I… need…” you mumble desperately, ripping the apartment room door off its hinges as you follow the smell down the hallway to another closed apartment door with the sound of a happy family preparing for dinner inside. Crouching besides you, Elena plays with her pussy from the mere thought of getting impregnated by strangers. “Mine…” you growl at her, asserting dominance as she cowers away; clenching your hand into a fist, you prepare to smash yourself in.

The hunt begins.



I love it :) Awesome story <3


great job with this one, love the willed changes!